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Public Works, Sanitation and Environment Committee
The Public Works, Sanitation and Environment Committee provides oversight of major and minor street projects, the street sign shop, pothole repairs, catch basin maintenance, parking services, and coordination of projects between the Department of Public Works and the Sewerage and Water Board. The committee also monitors the City's contracts for collection and disposal of solid waste in the City, reviews the activities of the Sanitation Rangers, and monitors the processes of enforcement of environmental violations.
These summaries are prepared by the Council Utilities Regulatory Office (CURO) engineer following each Sewerage and Water Board (SWBNO) Board of Directors meeting.
These reports are prepared by the Sewerage and Water Board quarterly, as required by Louisiana Revised Statute 33:4091.
These reports are prepared by the Sewerage and Water Board annually, as required by Louisiana Revised Statute 33:4091.
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