Utility, Cable, Telecommunications and Technology Committee

The Utility, Cable, Telecommunications and Technology Committee oversees the Council's regulatory authority over Entergy New Orleans, Inc. and Entergy Louisiana, Inc.; maintains oversight of utility consultants whose responsibility includes advising the Council on all utility matters and providing best practices insight; and makes recommendations to the full Council concerning electric and gas utility rates and services. It also reviews and sets policy concerning the granting and oversight of cable and telecommunications franchises in New Orleans; oversees the Council's involvement in new Orleans Access Television, including government Access and Community Access funding through the New Orleans Media Center and the Government Access Capital Fund Committee; and provides oversight over the technology implementations of the City.

  • Jean Paul "JP" Morrell - At-Large
  • Helena N. Moreno - At-Large
  • Joseph I. Giarrusso III - District A
  • Freddie King III - District C
  • Oliver Thomas - District E


Past Meetings

Settled/Closed Dockets

Committee Resources

Smart Cities Investigation

Renewable and Clean Portfolio Standard:

Electric and Gas Rate Reduction Information:

Energy Efficiency:

Links of Interest:

Advisors and Billing:

Entergy Investigation and Sanctions Documents:

Resolution R-19-78: Resolution and Order Imposing Sanctions; Directing Cost Protections and Other Modifications to New Orleans Power Station

ENO's $5 Million Payment

ENO Ethics Training Certification

ENO Code of Conduct and Ethics

Entergy New Orleans, & Sewerage and Water Board Collaboration Reports:

NOPS Construction Costs:

Electric and Gas Utility Customer Complaint Process