Regular Meeting
August 18, 2011
City Council Chamber
City Council August 18, 2011 Regular Meeting Summary
New Orleans, LA - August 18, 2011 - Today, the City Council passed a motion initiating the exploration of new revenue options through the development of marketing and advertising strategies targeting untapped City assets.
The Council also passed an ordinance allocating City Economic Development Funds to diversify the economy and create jobs. Other action was taken creating new standards for the temporary operation of mobile health clinics and authorizing a Memorandum of Agreement be signed initiating the reconstruction of Stallings Center and Pool.
Louisiana State Senator J.P. Morrell of New Orleans presented Councilmembers with checks totaling $50,000 for the New Orleans Police Department and the City's Recreation Department. The Council also heard a presentation from the "Stop the Violence" Partnership.
Explore Revenue Options from Untapped City Assets
The Council passed Motion M-11-343, co-authored by Council Vice President Fielkow and Councilmember Guidry requesting the development and issuance of Request For Proposals soliciting responses from qualified advertising and marketing professionals for the development of comprehensive advertising and marketing strategies for City assets. Among the items suggested are advertising placement on government access channels, public facilities, and the exploration of the purchase of naming rights for City-owned buildings.
Cable, Telecommunication and Technology Committee Chair District "A" Councilmember Guidry said, "This process is a non-traditional approach to our fiscal challenges and simultaneously creates more opportunities to market our city. We must constantly search for innovative ideas to boost the City's revenue without burdening its hard working citizens."
Council Vice President Fielkow said, "The City of New Orleans cannot afford to leave dollars on the table. If there are opportunities for us to grow city revenue through marketing of city-owned assets, then we should, at the very least, explore those opportunities. This motion is just a first of many steps in this process. If it turns out that there are municipal marketing opportunities, then we would solicit citizen input and look to the best practices of other cities before moving forward."
Receive Funds for New Orleans Police Department and New Orleans Recreation Department
State Senator J.P. Morrell appeared before the Council to present two $25,000 checks allocated to the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) and the New Orleans Recreation Department (NORD) from the Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission. Each year the Commission generates a surplus which is divided among Louisiana parishes. Until 1995, when ACT 1227 was passed, New Orleans was excluded from this allocation. Under the current legislation, the distribution of the state funds from the Causeway toll tag overages will continue until 2017. The $25,000 disbursed to the NOPD will finance better equipment, such as bulletproof vests for police officers, while NORD will use the money to improve recreational activities and projects.
Council President Clarkson said, "Any financial allocation that aids the courageous efforts of the New Orleans Police Department and improves recreational programs for the community is greatly valued. As a long time proponent of both NORD and the NOPD I would like to commend Senator Morrell for his hard work on the legislation for the allocation of these funds."
Create New Standards for Mobile Health Clinics
The Council adopted Ordinance Calendar Number 28,599, authored by Councilmember Hedge-Morrell, creating new standards for the temporary operation of mobile health clinics in residentially zoned areas. The new standards require that mobile clinics be licensed and accredited primary and preventative health care programs with existing local hospital collaborations. The mobile clinics must be located within the public right-of-way, not on sidewalks or parked in the street for more than 24 hours. The locations of the mobile clinics cannot displace existing off-street parking. The hours of operation are limited to 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily. Mobile health clinics can operate in residential zoning districts in conjunction with blood drives or health fairs; as an accessory to an existing religious institution or school; and, as a transitional use where a permanent health care clinic is proposed.
District "D" Councilmember Hedge-Morrell said, "Mobile health clinics are instrumental in providing routine and preventative health care in communities, especially in the aftermath of an emergency. These new standards will clarify the how and the why of mobile health clinic operations and reinforce the important role that these mobile clinics play in providing accessible health care and an improved quality of life for our citizens."
Approve Allocation of 2011 Economic Development Fund (EDF) Millage
The Council adopted Ordinance Calendar No 28,592, co-authored by Council Vice President Fielkow and Councilmembers Head and Hedge-Morrell approving the allocation of Economic Development Funds (EDF) to the Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) and the City's Office of Economic Development. The EDF will aid projects that diversify the economy, support workforce development and create new jobs.
Council Vice President and Budget, Audit and Board of Review Committee Chair Fielkow said, "The Economic Development Fund staff is working to support the Mayor's efforts to increase economic development throughout the City. We need a strong EDF staff to administer and monitor incentive and summer job programs. I fully support this ordinance."
Councilmember Johnson said, "The Business Alliance is an important nonprofit that was established with the intention that business would be a private and public partnership. By allocating these funds, we are doing our part as the public sector to further the development of our City and provide opportunities to small, minority and female business owners."
Authorize Reconstruction of Stallings Center and Pool
The Council adopted Ordinance Calendar Number 28,610, authored by Councilmembers Gisleson Palmer, Clarkson, Fielkow, Guidry, Head, Hedge-Morrell and Johnson, authorized the Landrieu Administration to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the reconstruction of the Stallings Center and Pool on St. Claude Avenue within the Bywater National Register Historic District (NRHD). The Stallings Center and Pool was severely damaged by Hurricane Katrina. In December of 2009 FEMA determined, in consultation with the SHPO, that the structure was built outside the period of significance for the Bywater NRHD and was not eligible for listing in the National Register. Following this consultation, the Stallings Center was demolished. This memorandum officially initiates the reconstruction process.
District "C" Councilmember Gisleson Palmer said," The Council's action protects the neighborhood while construction is ongoing. This memorandum outlines construction processes, ensures minimal traffic impact and establishes that the historic use of Stallings center and pool remains."
Receive "Stop the Violence" Partnership Presentation
At the request of Councilmember Guidry, the President and CEO of Crimestoppers, Inc., Darlene Cusanza, and a representative of Clear Channel Radio, DJ Wild Wayne, appeared before the Council to discuss Crimestoppers' Safe Schools Hotline, Teen Ambassadors Program and the recent Teen Peace Summit, a youth crime prevention event. The Teen Peace Summit is a partnership with Crimestoppers and Clear Channel Radio designed to positively impact young people to support peaceful resolution to conflict. The event featured community experts and musicians promoting the "Stop the Violence" message. Key speakers discussed crime prevention, conflict resolution and delivered positive messages on crime reduction and promoting peace in communities.
District "A" Councilmember Guidry said, "The Teen Peace Summit motivated students to enact positive change for themselves, their peers, and the Greater New Orleans community by fusing an upbeat message with music and entertainment. I commend Crimestoppers and Clear Channel Radio for their community involvement and efforts to promote peaceful conflict resolution and to deter criminal activity among the youth of metropolitan New Orleans.