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Economic Development & Special Development Projects Committee Meeting

December 10, 2019 10:00 AM

City Council Chamber

1.  Roll Call

2.  Approval of October 8, 2019 Minutes

3.  Ordinance Cal. No. 32,792:

An Ordinance to ordain Sections 70-511 through 70-513, in Article IV of Chapter 70, of the Code of the City of New Orleans; to establish designate new Division to prohibit city contractors and subcontractors from relying upon salary histories of applicants to determine starting salaries for employment positions connected with a city contract; to provide for limited exceptions from these prohibitions; to provide for enforcement of these prohibitions; and to otherwise provide with respect thereto.



4.  Presentation – Developing Neighborhood Profiles of New Orleans Qualified Opportunity Zones:

An overview of the service-learning project includes highlights from the University of the May 2019 New Orleans student-led research on New Orleans Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZs). Results from the fall 2019 neighborhood asset study of 2 QOZs in the Livable Claiborne Corridor will also be presented.


  • PresentersDr. Michelle M. Thompson, Miranda Heath, and Sarah Johnson - University of New Orleans, Department of Planning & Urban Studies

5.  Presentation – Using private data for public good: Introducing p3GIS:

This presentation focuses on how Mastercard anonymized and aggregated transaction data is applied to new "data for good" model using public and private participation geographic information systems (p3GIS). The ability to estimate buying power in low-income neighborhoods remains limited in primarily a cash-based economy. Results from a Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth study on the Livable Claiborne and Claiborne Corridor Innovation District using p3GIS will be discussed.


  • PresenterDr. Michelle M. Thompson, Data Fellow - Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth

6.  Presentation – America Works Program Overview:

America Works will share information about the Ticket to Work Program and Work Opportunity Tax Credits.


  • PresenterStacy Morgan, MS, Site Director - America Works of Louisiana, Inc.

7.  Other Matters

8.  Adjourn

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Created on: 12/6/2018 2:44:07 PM | Last updated: 12/10/2019 9:34:24 AM

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