New Seniority System for 2021 Mardi Gras Parade Krewes in Response to COVID-19 Concerns
The Council approved Ordinance 33,153 to preserve parade positions, parade routes, parade times, parade dates, and parade seniority for existing carnival organizations that elect not parade in 2021. The reoccurrence of cherished carnival parades on established days - such as Muses on Thursday, Endymion on Saturday, and Zulu and Rex on Fat Tuesday - represent a defining Mardi Gras tradition and important part of the cultural fabric of New Orleans.
In order to maintain those traditions, the Council voted to modify the provisions of Section 34-2(4) of the City Code to create a system of seniority that will allow Mardi Gras organizations receiving a parade permit to parade on the same day and along the same route as the preceding year.
With ongoing challenges and uncertainty caused by COVID-19, several parade krewes have had to make difficult decisions to ensure the safety of their riders, including the Krewe of Oshun which has already announced its cancellation for 2021. But as new cases and deaths continue to decline, the Council remains hopeful that next year’s Mardi Gras festivities will be able to proceed as planned. However, with its approval of this ordinance, the Council grants all carnival organizations the latitude to forego parading in 2021 without fear of sacrificing their traditional places in future parade schedules.
“I’ve had many conversations with friends from several different krewes, and I know that there is real concern surrounding the consequences of participating or nor participating in the 2021 Mardi Gras parade season. It's true that for those on the sidewalk or the neutral ground, Mardi Gras is the greatest free show on earth, but for the people charged with putting on the show, it is an expensive challenge under the best of circumstances. A tremendous portion of our population is not only hurting financially but very concerned about their health and safety. There are enough things to worrying about, and losing their parade spot due to no fault of theirs should not be one of them. All this ordinance does is provide our citizens with the freedom to make their individual decisions based on their own economics and their own health and safety concerns,” said District “B” Councilmember Jay H. Banks.
Council Supports Plans for Affordable Housing Development on Vacant HANO Land
The Council adopted Resolution R-20-372, supporting of the Iris Development’s Affordable Housing Program application for a subsidy to develop vacant HANO land awarded via competitive Request for Proposals. There is an urgent need for the construction and/or rehabilitation of quality, safe and accessible housing in New Orleans to address the ongoing affordable housing crisis and meet the increasing needs of low- to moderate-income families.
For the last several months, Iris Development has worked to engage surrounding neighborhood associations and nearby residents to identify and address their concerns. So much so, that it changed its initial plans in order to accommodate the feedback and requests of neighbors. The Council formally expressed its support for the organization’s revitalization plan, including its application to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas for the necessary funding to increase affordable housing stock within this vital community.
Street Renaming Commission to Provide Initial Report by November 30
The Council approved Motion M-20-374, confirming the November 30, 2020, deadline for the City Council Street Renaming Commission (CCSRC) to deliver its initial report and recommendations. Per Motion M-20-170 which established the CCSRC, the Commission was granted no later than three months after its first official meeting to provide the Council with its preliminary recommendations on renaming streets, parks and public places honoring white supremacists and Confederate soldiers.
The Commission has worked diligently to conduct detailed research, meet with local community organizations and historical experts, and engage members of the public for feedback in the renaming process. However, due to the continued challenges of the lingering COVID-19 pandemic and a near record-breaking hurricane season, the Commission has asked the Council for additional time to compile its initial report to allow more New Orleans residents to submit their feedback via two public comment forms available at
"With the Council’s establishment of the CCSRC, our top priority has always been and remains input from members of the public,” said District "C" Councilmember Kristin Gisleson Palmer. "New Orleans is home to all of us, and we all should be able to participate in shaping its future. This year has been challenging to say the least, so we hope that through the extension of this deadline, more people will have the opportunity to engage and collaborate with us as we embark on this important process."