Transportation Committee Meeting
February 24, 2021 1:00 PM
Virtual Meeting
1. Roll Call
2. Recess to receive public comment
3. Approval of the minutes from the January 27, 2021 meeting
4. MSY Update--discussion of current operations and plans for post-pandemic operations. Kevin Dolliole, Director of Aviation to present.
5. RTA Operations Update--discussion of current operations and any plans for Spring, including operator and employee vaccinations. Alex Wiggins, RTA CEO to present.
6. Ord. Cal. No. 33,245--an ordinance to reorganize the Ground Transportation Bureau. Paul Marina, Interim Deputy Director Ground Transportation Services & Enforcement to present.
7. Non-Emergency Medical Transport--Matching city and state requirements for insurance. Paul Marina, Interim Deputy Director Ground Transportation Services & Enforcement to present.
8. Other Matters
9. Adjournment
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