
Criminal Justice Committee

July 27, 2021 10:00 AM

City Council Chamber

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of the minutes from the June 29, 2021 meeting

3. Adaptive Reuse of Orleans Justice Center. Brief: Motion M-21-276 – Directing the City Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing to consider amendments to Ordinance No. 24,282 M.C.S., as amended by Ordinance No. 28,300 M.C.S., which established a conditional use to permit a prison and related uses, to consider the adaptive reuse of the Orleans Parish Justice Center's Phase 2 building or other existing resources, for the housing of male and female inmates classified with acute and sub-acute mental health conditions, and for components related to a medical clinic, infirmary, laundry, administration, and visitation area. Presenters: James Austin, Ph.D., President of the JFA Institute; Pres Kabacoff?, Developer and Criminal Justice Reform Advocate; William Snowden, Director of the Vera Institute 
4. OPSP Resolution. Brief: A Discussion on a Resolution requesting that the City Attorney request a settlement/status conference with the Court (or, if appropriate, with a private mediator) to discuss the possibility of exploring an alternative option(s) than those previously litigated in the OPSO Consent Decree Litigation and that option(s) is pursued in quickly and in good faith, coupled with reduction in the 1,250 population cap applicable to the entire OJC complex

5. Electronic Monitoring- Assured Supervision Accountability Program (A.S.A.P). Brief: A Presentation on best practices and insight on electronic monitoring of persons released on bail pre- and post-trial. Presenters: Jill Dennis, Director of A.S.A.P; Matthew Dennis, Supervising Case Manager for A.S.A.P; Samuel Jones, New Orleans Liaison for A.S.A.P 

6. Electronic Monitoring- Court Watch NOLA. Brief: A Presentation on public concerns involving electronic monitoring, including efficacy and financial conflicts of interest. Presenter: Darrin Browder, Chapter Development Specialist with Court Watch NOLA 

7. Adjournment

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Created on: 6/3/2021 4:07:37 PM | Last updated: 7/26/2021 9:56:10 AM


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