Rescheduled Budget-Audit-Board of Review Committee Meeting
July 28, 2021 11:00 AM
City Council Chamber
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the minutes from the July 8, 2021 Special - Joint Committee meeting
3. Motion No. M-21-298 Amendments to the Classified Pay Plan:
CAO/ITI: GIS Server Administrator (Exempt), and Principal Applications Developer (Exempt); adopted by the Civil Service Commission on June 21, 2021.
4. Motion No. M-21-299 Amendments to the Classified Pay Plan:
Health: Health Project & Planning: Analyst, Senior Analyst, Specialist, Manager, Administrator, Worker, and Senior Worker; adopted by the Civil Service Commission on June 21, 2021.
5. Motion No. M-21-300 Amendment to the Classified Pay Plan:
Office of the Independent Police Monitor: Community Police Review Specialist (Exempt); adopted by the Civil Service Commission on June 21, 2021.
6. Motion No. M-21-301 Amendment to the Classified Pay Plan:
Office of the Inspector General: Inspector and Evaluator Senior Associate (Exempt); adopted by the Civil Service Commission on June 21, 2021.
7. Motion No. M-21-302 Amendment to the Civil Service Rules:
Shift Differential: Rule IV, Section 1.6; adopted by the Civil Service Commission on June 21, 2021.
8. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,331 and 33,332 - (Introduced May 20, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate federal grant funds from Intergovernmental Transfers to the Mayor’s Office of Homeland Security for Federal Emergency Management Agency reimbursement related costs; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
9. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,376 and 33,377 - (Introduced July 1, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate State Capital Outlay Funds awarded by the State of Louisiana Facility Planning and Control (“FP&C”) to the City of New Orleans for the Sewerage and Water Board Power Plant FP&C Project No. 50-ML3-18-02; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
10. Ordinance Cal. No. 33,381 - (Introduced July 1, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate funds to increase revenues to the Office of Police Secondary Employment for police details due to resumption of escorts and increased activity in general as the city returns to normalcy; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
11. Ordinance Cal. No. 33,382 - (Introduced July 1, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to transfer funds from CAO - Health General Fund other operating to personal services to support the Health Department’s School and Bike Safety Program, FIT NOLA Program, and Grants Management; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
12. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,383 and 33,384 - (Introduced July 1, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate grant funds from AmeriCorps VISTA to the Office of the Mayor to hire a supervisor for AmeriCorps VISTA sites around the City of New Orleans; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
13. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,398 and 33,399 – (Introduced July 1, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate funds from the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections to the Mayor’s Office of Youth and Families to support the Pathways program, which is a year-round employment program for system involved youth and to allocate funds to a local non-profit Operation Restoration; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
14. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,402 and 33,403 - (Introduced July 15, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate federal funds awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to the Health Department as carryover from the Healthcare for the Homeless Program 2020 COVID funding; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
15. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,404 and 33,405 - (Introduced July 15, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate federal funds awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Secretary to the Health Department to support racial and ethnic communities and other vulnerable populations in New Orleans, and support evidence based community outreach strategies to enhance availability, accessibility and enrollment of COVID-19 vaccinations; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
16. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,406 and 33,407 - (Introduced July 15, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate federal grant funds awarded by the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program 2018 to the Mayor’s Office of Homeland Security to elevate historic structures in the City of New Orleans; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
17. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,408 and 33,409 - (Introduced July 15, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate federal grant funds awarded by the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program 2019 to the Mayor’s Office of Homeland Security towards physically elevating severe, repetitive structures throughout the City of New Orleans; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
18. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,410 and 33,411 - (Introduced July 15, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate funds awarded by the National Wildlife Federation to the Department of Public Works to reimburse them for costs associated with the 2021 Christmas Tree Recycling Program efforts to restore and protect the Louisiana coastline; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
19. Ordinance Cal. No. 33,412 - (Introduced July 15, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate funds from the Ethics Review Board Personal Services to the Other Operating to cover credit card expenses; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
20. Ordinance Cal. No. 33,415 - (Introduced July 15, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)
This Ordinance amends and re-ordains Ordinance No. 28,549 M.C.S., entitled “An Ordinance Providing a Capital Budget for the Year 2021”; to effect the following change to the 2021 Capital Budget: to appropriate funds to the Department of Property Management; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
21. Budget Reports - CAO/Finance:
a. Personnel Spending Forecast
b. Revenue Collections Report
c. Operating Expenses - Available Balances by Department
d. Status of Current Workforce
22. Other Matters
23. Adjournment
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