Community Development Committee
August 10, 2021 10:00 AM
City Council Chamber
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the minutes from the July 13, 2021 meeting
3. COVID-19 Vaccination Updates. Presenter: Jennifer Avegno, M.D., Director of the New Orleans Health Department
4. Eviction Defense Fund. Brief: A presentation on eviction issues, including the right to counsel and eviction court monitoring data. Presenters: Maxwell Ciardullo, Director of Policy and Communications for the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center; Hannah Adams, Staff Attorney at Southeast Louisiana Legal Services; Frank Southall, Lead Organizer and Community Engagement Coordinator for Jane Place Neighborhood Sustainability Initiative
5. Atkinson-Stern Tennis Center. Brief: A Presentation on renovations and operational updates for the Atkinson-Stern Tennis Center. Presenter: Larry Barabino, Jr., Chief Executive Officer of the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission
6. NORA Redevelopment Framework. Brief: A presentation on strategically leveraging underutilized City-owned property for public benefit, creating a pipeline of properties for affordable housing, job creation, community development and equitable economic development. Presenters: Nicole J. Heyman, Director of Office of Community Assets & Investment, Mayor's Office of Economic Development; Jeffrey E. Schwartz, Director of Office of Community and Economic Development
7. Adjourn
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