Joint Public Works - Budget Committee Meeting
September 29, 2021 10:00 AM
City Council Chamber
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the minutes from the:
a. August 24, 2021 Public Works Committee Meeting,
b. August 5, 2021 and August 25, 2021 Budget Committee Meeting
c. September 17, 2021 Joint Public Works – Budget Committee Meeting which was recessed and reconvened on September 21, 2021
3. Presentation by Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) and the Department of Public Works (DPW) on flooding in the City of New Orleans associated with Hurricane Ida. SWBNO and DPW will present on causes, response, and proposed solutions to flooding in Hollygrove, Lake View, West Lake View, Tall Timbers in Algiers, and New Orleans East. Discussion to include, SWBNO pumps and power, effect of the loss of Entergy power, drainage capacity including catch basins, lateral drain lines, box culverts, and canals, JIRR/FEMA road work projects, and post storm use of vacuum trucks.
4. Presentation by SWBNO on their response to the loss of Entergy power as it relates to the sewer system. SWBNO will discuss their use of back up generation during the Entergy power loss, the discharge of sewerage, and their short-and long-term plans for redundant power at lift stations.
5. Deputy CAO, Ramsey J. Green, Department of Sanitation Acting Director, Matt R. Torri, and CAO, Gilbert A. Montano to provide updates on trash and debris collection post Hurricane Ida
6. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,469 and 33,470 - (Introduced October 7, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request). These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate DHS-STC federal grant funds to the New Orleans Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness Office to purchase Radiological and Nuclear detection equipment for the region and to pay salaries to the employees working the grant; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
7. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,471 and 33,472 - (Introduced October 7, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request). These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate personnel funds awarded by the Kellogg Foundation (Project # P0130596) to the Mayor's Office to fill the Grant Manager position; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
8. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,473 and 33,474 - (Introduced October 7, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request). These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate Federal funds awarded by FEMA to the Chief Administrative Office to cover emergency protective measures for Tropical Storm Cristobal; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
9. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,475 and 33,476 - (Introduced October 7, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request). These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate Federal funds awarded by FEMA to the Chief Administrative Office to cover the emergency protective measures for Hurricane Zeta (PW 76 Hurricane Zeta); and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
10. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,477 and 33,478 - (Introduced October 7, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request). These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate Federal funds awarded by FEMA to the Chief Administrative Office to cover the emergency protective measures for Hurricane Barry; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
11. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,479 and 33,480 - (Introduced October 7, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request). These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate Federal funds awarded by FEMA (Grant #52545 – Project #PW 530 Hurricane Laura) to the Chief Administrative Office to cover the emergency protective measures for Hurricane Laura; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
12. Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,481 and 33,482 - (Introduced October 7, 2021) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request). These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate the remaining funds from the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Grant ID ERAE0516) to the Office of Community Development to fund the Emergency Rental Assistance program to New Orleans residents, who qualify for rental assistance; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
13. Adjournment
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