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Joint Meeting of the Board of Review for Orleans Parish and Budget/Audit/Board of Review Committee

December 09, 2021 10:30 AM

City Council Chamber

1.  Roll Call

2.  Presentation - Hammerman & Gainer, Inc. on the results of the 2022 Tax Supplemental Appeal recommendations process - Scott J. Spivey, Hammerman & Gainer, Inc:


a).  R-21-3:  Disposition of Supplemental Appeals in the First through Seventh Municipal Districts

b).  R-21-4:  Certification of Revised Assessments for First through Seventh Municipal Districts to the Louisiana Tax Commission

3.  Approval of the minutes from the October 19, 2021 Special meeting  

4.  Presentation - Update on status of the 2020 Annual Audit:

To Present:  Brandy Smith, Director, Postlethwaite & Netterville

5.  Motion No. M-21-451:  Amendments to the Classified Pay Plan – Property Management (Adopted by the Civil Service Commission on October 18, 2021):

a).  Property Management - Hiring Rates & Title Change:  Plant Engineer and HVAC Services Manager

6.  Motion No. M-21-452:  Amendments to the Classified Pay Plan – Sewerage and Water Board (Adopted by the Civil Service Commission on October 18, 2021):

a).  Sewerage and Water Board – New Classifications:  Four (4) Water Treatment Operators (Classes I, II, III, IV); Water Purification Supervisor and Water Purification Manger 

7.  Ordinance Cal. Nos. 33,560 and 33,561 - (Introduced December 1, 2021) by: Councilmember Moreno (By Request):

These Ordinances amend Ordinances Nos. 28,550 M.C.S. and 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to appropriate Federal funds awarded by FEMA to the Office of Homeland Security to cover emergency collection of household solid waste during the aftermath of Hurricane Ida (Project # 52558 - PW 2 Hurricane Ida); and otherwise to provide with respect thereto:

Description:  Funds transferred from FEMA to the Office of Homeland Security for emergency waste collection after Hurricane Ida on 8/29/2021 – Total Transfer  $21,653,649

8.  Ordinance Cal. No. 33,562 - (Introduced December 1, 2021) by:  Councilmember Moreno (By Request):

An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 28,551 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance Providing an Operating Budget of Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2021”; to transfer funds within the General Fund Operating Budget Fund and Economic Development Operating Budget Fund to various departments to cover overages incurred during the year for 2021; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto:

Description:  An annual 2021 clean-up ordinance to rectify various departmental overages in personal services and other operating – Total Transfer  $22,380,000

9.  Budget Reports - CAO/Finance:

a).  Personnel Spending Forecast

b).  Revenue Collections Report

c).  Operating Expenses - Available Balances by Department

d).  Status of Current Workforce

10.  Other Matters

11.  Adjournment

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Created on: 12/7/2021 2:23:45 PM | Last updated: 4/21/2022 4:29:27 PM

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