Budget Audit Board of Review
January 12, 2023 10:00 AM
City Council Chamber
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Committee meeting minutes from October 13, 2022.
3. Update on the FY2021 Annual Audits – Becky Hammond - Carr, Riggs & Ingram CPA’s
4. For Discussion Only: Resolution (R-23-10) re: Police Superintendent National Pay Rates/Other benefits
5. Ordinance Cal. No’s. 33,997, and 33,998 (Introduced December 15, 2022) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Moreno, Green and Thomas (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinance No’s 28,862 and 28,863 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2022”; to appropriate funds received from CLB investments to purchase equipment and supplies; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: These Ordinances transfers $10,000 from Intergovernmental Revenues (FUND 6699) to the Department of Police – Other Operating (FUND 5116 - Miscellaneous Donations)
6. Ordinance Cal. No’s. 33,999 and 34,000 (Introduced December 15, 2022) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Moreno, Green and Thomas (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinance No’s 28,862 and 28,863 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2022”; to appropriate additional funds to the Department of Public Works within the Infrastructure Maintenance Fund to remit payments to the Sewerage and Water Board for the time period of July 2022 through December 2022; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: These Ordinances Transfer $9,049,700 from Intergovernmental Revenues (FUND 6699) to the Department of Public Works – Other Operating (FUND 5140 – Infrastructure Maintenance)
7. Ordinance Cal. No. 34,001 (Introduced December 15, 2022) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Moreno, Green and Thomas (By Request)
This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 28,863 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2022”; to transfer funds from personnel to other operating within the Police Department
Description: This Ordinance transfers $456,458 from Personal Services to Other Operating of the Department of Police (FUND 1000 – General Fund)
8. Ordinance Cal. No. 34,013 (Introduced January 5, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Harris and King (By Request)
This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 28,867 M.C.S., which approved the New Orleans Tourism and Cultural Fund’s (NOTCF) proposed budget for 2022, to reflect the NOTCF’s updated budget of revenue and expenditures for 2022; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
9. Amendments to the Classified Pay Plan and Civil Service Rules – Adopted by the Civil Service Commission on October 21, 2019, July 26, 2022, October 17, 2022, November 3, 2022, November 17, 2022, and December 19, 2022:
M-23-12 - Chief Audit Executive (S&WB)
M-23-13 - Chief Operations Officer (Police)
M-23-14 - Safety Coordinator Job Series (S&WB)
M-23-15 - Merit Pay Rule Amendment
M-23-16 - Police Hiring Rates for 2023, 2024 and 2025
M-23-17 - Special Rate of Pay to Supplement Pay for Police Recruit and Police Officers
M-23-18 - Police Recruitment and Retention Pay
M-23-19 - Comptroller (S&WB)
M-23-20 - Infrastructure Project Manager Series (S&WB/Public Works)
M-23-21 - DNA and Forensic Firearms Series (Police)
10. Budget Reports - CAO/Finance:
a) Revenue Collections Report
b) Personnel Spending Forecast
c) Operating Expenses - Available Balances by Department
d) Staffing Report
e) Reports on Citywide FTEs:
i. Filled vs Vacant FTEs
ii. Budget: Filled vs Vacant FTEs
f) Fund Balance Report
11. Adjournment
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