Budget Audit Board of Review
February 09, 2023 10:00 AM
City Council Chamber
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Committee meeting minutes from January 12, 2023.
3. Update on the FY2021 Annual Audits – Becky Hammond - Carr, Riggs & Ingram CPA’s
4. Ordinance Cal. No’s. 34,018, and 34,019 (Introduced January 18, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Moreno, Morrell, Giarrusso and Harris
These Ordinances amend Ordinance No’s 29,265 and 29,266 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2023”; to appropriate funds to the Department of Health to provide funding for gun locks; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: These Ordinances transfers $100,000 from Intergovernmental Transfers to the Department of Health (Other Operating).
5. Ordinance Cal. No’s. 34,020 and 34,021 (Introduced January 18, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Moreno and Morrell
These Ordinances amend Ordinance No’s 29,265 and 29,266 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2023”; to appropriate funds to the Mayor's Office of Workforce Development, within Miscellaneous Programs, to provide funding for an increase in youth participants; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: These Ordinances Transfers $1,900,000 from Intergovernmental Transfer to Miscellaneous Programs - Nola Youth Works (Personal Services)
6. To Present: Representative from Capital Projects - Ordinance Cal. No. 34,025 (Introduced January 19, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Green Moreno, and Thomas (By Request)
An Ordinance to amend and re-ordain Ordinance No. 29,272 M.C.S., entitled “An Ordinance providing a Capital Budget for the Year 2023”, to effect the following change to the 2023 Capital Budget: to de-appropriate funds from the Chief Administrative Office, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Property Management, the Department of Public Works, the Department of Sanitation, the Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board, and the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission; to appropriate funds to the Chief Administrative Office, the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Parks and Parkways, the Department of Property Management, the Department of Public Works, the New Orleans Fire Department, the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission, and the Municipal Yacht Harbor; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: This Ordinance de-appropriates $16,358,580 and appropriates $62,132,325 among various offices, departments, boards and commissions for a grand total of $45,773,745.
7. Ordinance Cal. No. 34,026 (Introduced January 19, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Green, Harris, King, Moreno, Morrell and Thomas (By Request)
This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 29,266 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2023”; to transfer funds from the “100-Personal Services” appropriation to the “600-Grants, Contributions, and Fund Transfers” appropriation within the Department of Police in Fund 4150 (Federal Treasury Department); and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: This Ordinance transfers $6,000,000 withing the Department of Police (from Personal Services to grants, contributions and fund transfers).
8. To Present: Representative from Finance - Ordinance Cal. No. 34,037 (Introduced January 19, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Moreno, Green and Thomas (By Request)
This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 28,863 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2022”; to transfer funds within the General Fund Operating Budget Fund to various departments to cover overages incurred during the year 2022; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: This Ordinance transfers a total of $9,769,109 within the General Fund to various offices, departments, commissions, courts and programs.
9. To Present: Representative from CAO or Finance - Ordinance Cal. No’s. 34,039, and 34,040 (Introduced January 19, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Moreno, Green and Thomas (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinance No’s 29,265 and 29,266 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2023”; to appropriate an additional $283,295,769 for Intergovernmental Revenues; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: These Ordinances appropriates an additional $283,295,769 for Intergovernmental Revenues and Expenditures
10. To Present: Representative from Finance - Ordinance Cal. No’s. 34,041, and 34,042 (Introduced January 19, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Moreno, Green and Thomas (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinance No’s 29,265 and 29,266 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2023”; to appropriate funds to remit a proposed settlement payment to the Metro estate; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: These Ordinances transfers $3,960,000 from Intergovernmental Revenues to the Department of Sanitation (Other Operating).
11. To Present: Representative from CAO - Ordinance Cal. No’s. 34,051, and 34,052 (Introduced February 2, 2023) - By: Councilmember Giarrusso (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinance No’s 29,265 and 29,266 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2023”; to appropriate funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act to Chief Administrative Office to fund the purchase of vehicles and equipment; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: These Ordinances transfers $15,000,000 from Intergovernmental Revenues to the Federal Treasury Department - Chief Administrative Office (Other Operating).
12. Ordinance Cal. No’s. 34,060, and 34,061 (Introduced February 2, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Moreno, Green and Thomas (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinance No’s 29,265 and 29,266 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2023”; to appropriate funds received under Act 170 of the 2022 Regular Legislative Session to the Department of Police to purchase furniture, operational materials, and information technology equipment; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: These Ordinances transfers $100,000 from Intergovernmental Revenues to the Department of Police (Other Operating).
13. Amendments to the Civil Service Rules and Classified Pay Plan – Adopted by the Civil Service Commission on January 20, 2023:
a) M-23-63 – Holiday Pay Rules (Sewerage & Water Board)
b) M-23-64 – Pay Plan Rules (Fire Department)
c) M-23-65 – Historic Preservation Plan Reviewer Series (HDLC/VCC)
d) M-23-66 – Special Rates of Pay – Health/EMS (EMS Special Rate of Pay)
e) M-23-67 – Building Plan Examiner (Retitle to: Building Plan Reviewers) Series (Safety & Permits)
f) M-23-68 – New Special Rate of Pay – Police (French Quarter Supplemental Police Patrol Program)
g) M-23-69 – Parental Leave Rules
14. Budget Reports - CAO/Finance:
a) Revenue Collections Report
b) Personnel Spending Forecast
c) Operating Expenses - Available Balances by Department
d) Staffing Report
e) Reports on Citywide FTEs:
i. Filled vs Vacant FTEs
ii. Budget: Filled vs Vacant FTEs
f) Fund Balance Report
15. Adjournment
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