Rescheduled Budget Audit Board of Review Committee
March 01, 2023 10:00 AM
City Council Chamber
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the Committee meeting minutes from February 9, 2023.
3. Ordinance Cal. No. 34,071 (Introduced February 16, 2023) - By: Councilmember Giarrusso – For Discussion and Vote
This Ordinance calls an election on October 14, 2023, at which the electors of the City of New Orleans shall be asked to approve an amendment to Section 6-102 of the Home Rule Charter requiring the submission of the operating budget and the proposed revenue and operating budget ordinances be submitted to the Council not later than the first day of October; an amendment to Section 6-104 of the Home Rule Charter requiring the City Planning Commission to annually prepare and submit to the Mayor a capital program not later than the fifteenth day of September; and an amendment to Section 6-104 of the Home Rule Charter requiring the Mayor to submit to the Council the capital program as prepared by the City Planning Commission, the capital budget message, and the proposed capital budget ordinance not later than the first day of October; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: This Ordinance calls for an election on October 14, 2023 to approve an amendment to Section 6-102 of the Home Rule Charter requiring submission of the Operating Budget and proposed Revenue and Operating Budget Ordinances to be submitted to the City Council no later than the first day of October.
4. Ordinance Cal. No. 34,072 (Introduced February 16th, 2023) – By: Councilmember Giarrusso – For Discussion and Vote
An ordinance calling and election on October 14, 2023, at which the electors of the City of New Orleans shall be asked to approve an amendment of the Home Rule Charter to establish the Department of Code Enforcement; reassign certain duties of the Departments of Safety and Permits and Sanitation to the Department of Code Enforcement; and otherwise provide with respect thereto.
5. Legislative Grouping: To Present: Representatives with Together New Orleans, Erik Hancock & Pierre Moses.
For Discussion and Vote
a). Ordinance Cal. No’s. 34,076 and 34,077 (Introduced February 16, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Moreno, Green and Thomas (By Request)
These Ordinances amend Ordinance No’s 29,265 and 29,266 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2023”; to appropriate funds received under the American Rescue Plan to the Mayor to fund the construction of resilience hubs at Households of Faith in Orleans Parish; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: These Ordinances transfers $1,000,000 from Intergovernmental Revenues - Fund 6699 to the Federal Treasury Department - Fund 4150 (The Mayor – Other Operating).
b). A one year CEA between City of New Orleans and New Orleans Sponsoring Committee/Together New Orleans. Purpose of the Contract: Construct 8 Resilience hubs as households of faith within Orleans Parish by installing backup batteries and solar panels for the purpose of strengthening relief efforts in the wake of a future disaster or major power outage.
6. Ordinance Cal. No. 34,078 (Introduced February 16, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Moreno, Green, and Thomas (By Request) – For Discussion and Vote
This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 29,266 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2023”; to transfer funds awarded by the Corporation for National and Community Service to the Mayor’s Office AmeriCorps Vista Program; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: This Ordinance transfers $8,296 within the Office of the Mayor from the Private Grants – Fund 4900 (Other Operating) to the Corporation of National and Community Service – Fund 4420 (Personal Services).
7. Ordinance Cal. No’s. 34,079 and 34,080 (Introduced February 16, 2023) - By: Councilmembers Giarrusso, Moreno, Green and Thomas (By Request) – For Discussion and Vote
These Ordinances amend Ordinance No’s 29,265 and 29,266 M.C.S., as amended, entitled “An Ordinance providing an Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of New Orleans for the Year 2023”; to appropriate grant funds to cover payroll expenses incurred during the grant period of January 26, 2021 through September 30, 2022; and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.
Description: These Ordinances transfers $2,000,000 from Intergovernmental Revenues – Fund 6699 to the Federal Treasury Department – Fund 4150 (Office of Community Development – Personal Services).
8. Contract Amendment: Professional Services agreement between the City of New Orleans and Strategic Staffing Solutions to extend the duration of the contract for an additional 6 months from 12/21/22 to 6/30/23. Increasing the maximum by $1,731,236 to a lifetime maximum of $26,783,959. This amendment will allow the City to transfer services to 22nd Century Technologies Inc, the new contractor awarded the contract pursuant to Request for Proposals Number 2298. To Present: Kim Lagrue, Chief Information officer - For Discussion and Vote
9. Contract Approval: Professional Services Agreement between the City of New Orleans and 22nd Century Technologies. This contract is for IT staff augmentation for city wide IT projects including: Consent decree mandated Early Warning System, BRASS, and the Criminal Justice System overhaul. The maximum contract value is $6,000,000 and is for 1 year. To Present: Kim Lagrue, Chief Information officer - For Discussion and Vote
10. Contract Extension Approval: Professional Services Agreement between the City of New Orleans and Durr Heavy Construction LLC. This contract is being extended to continue to provide emergency demolition services as assigned by Code Enforcement. Services include: assessment of site, demolition, segregation of hazardous materials, removal, and proper disposal of demolished materials. Extending for 1 year, March 30th, 2023 to March 29th, 2024. Increasing the compensation amount by $4,148,000 and using HUD CDGB dollars. To Present: Tom Mulligan, Director of OBES - For Discussion and Vote
11. Contract Extension Approval: Professional Services Agreement between the City of New Orleans and Durr Heavy Construction LLC. This contract is being extended to continue to provide non-emergency demolition services as assigned by Code Enforcement. Services include: assessment of site, demolition, segregation of hazardous materials, removal, and proper disposal of demolished materials. Extending for 1 year, March 20th 2023 to Marsh 29th, 2024. There is no cost/compensation increase. To Present: Tom Mulligan, Director of OBES - For Discussion and Vote
12. Motion M-23-A (Introduced March 9, 2023) - By: Councilmember Giarrusso and Thomas (by request) – To Present: A representative from Dept. of Sanitation - For Discussion and Vote
Motion to approve a proposed agreement between the City of New Orleans and Richard’s Disposal, Inc., This contract is to issue a settlement agreement between the City of New Orleans and Richard’s Disposal in the amount of $4,750,987.50. The City will be responsible for issuing the settlement payment and Richard’s will be responsible for resuming all routes in Area 1 within 30 days of motion passing. RDI will also be responsible for resolving all cart requests pending prior to the passing of the Motion, within 60 days of the Motion passing.
13. Motion M-23-B (Introduced March 9, 2023) - By: Councilmember Giarrusso and King (by request) – To Present: Dr. Jennifer Avegno, Director of New Orleans Health Department - For Discussion and Vote
Motion to approve a proposed CEA agreement between the City of New Orleans and University Medical Center Management Corporation, to provide support for the UMC Trauma Recovery Center in treatment and support to victims of trauma and their families. The funding will: Increase the number of patient visits, outcomes, and other metrics; and develop a community advisory board and the city will provide financial support. This is a one-year contract and will cost the City $1.331 Million.
14. Motion M-23-C (Introduced March 9, 2023) – By: Councilmember Giarrusso and Thomas (by request) – To Present: Tom Mulligan, Director of OBES - For Discussion and Vote
Motion to approve a proposed amendment to an agreement between the City of New Orleans and H&O Investments LLC. Services include: lot abatement and grass cutting services as assigned by Code Enforcement. Vendor is required to provide photo documentation of conditions pre-and post-abatement as part of this contract. The duration of this contract extension is 1 year, and compensation is increased to $1,600,000 to a total amount not to exceed $4,890,550.
15. Budget Reports - CAO/Finance:
a). Revenue Collections Report
b). Personnel Spending Forecast
c). Operating Expenses - Available Balances by Department
d). Staffing Report
e). Reports on Citywide FTEs:
i. Filled vs Vacant FTEs
ii. Budget: Filled vs Vacant FTEs
f). Fund Balance Report
16. Adjournment
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