
Public Works Committee

March 20, 2024 10:00 AM

City Council Chamber

1. Roll Call 

2. Approval of the minutes of the February 21, 2024 Public Works, Sanitation, and Environment Committee meeting.

3. Department of Public Works – Presentation regarding status of the Ground Transportation Bureau (Taxicabs & Pedicabs), street and interstate lights, and catch basins.

4. Motion M-24-96 – Chief Administrative Office (Risk Management)/Hammerman & Gainer, Inc. Authorizes the Council President to sign the 5th amendment to the contract between the City and Hammerman & Gainer extending the term for another year for third-party automobile liability services, including bodily injury and property damage claims services, relating to the City’s self-insured program.

5. Motion M-24-97 – Department of Public Works/Sasaki Associates, Inc. Authorizes the Council President to sign the 1st amendment to the contract between the City and Sasaki Associates, Inc. expanding the scope of services for the Lincoln Beach redevelopment master plan.

6. Motion M-24-98 – Department of Public Works/ Digital Engineering & Imaging, Inc. Authorizes the Council President to sign the 5th amendment to the contract between the City and Digital Engineering and Imaging, Inc. extending the term for another year and expanding the scope of services for the Lincoln Beach redevelopment.

7. Motion M-24-99 – Mosquito, Termite, and Rodent Control Board/Cypress Biosafety Consulting, LLC. Authorizes the Council President to sign a contract between the City and Cypress Biosafety, LLC to develop, improve, and implement a biosafety, biocontainment, and biosecurity program for the Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board for a period of five years.

8. Motion M-24-109 – Department of Code Enforcement/Durr Heavy Construction, Inc. Authorizes the Council President to sign the 2nd amendment to the contract between the City and Durr Heavy Construction for non-emergency demolition services extending the contract another 12 months. 

9. Motion M-24-110 – Department of Code Enforcement/Durr Heavy Construction, Inc. Authorizes the Council President to sign the 2nd amendment to contract between the City and Durr Heavy Construction for emergency demolition services extending the contract another 12 months. 

10. Adjournment

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Created on: 12/5/2023 10:12:36 AM | Last updated: 3/19/2024 7:49:31 AM


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