
September 2, 2021

Jared C. Brossett

Councilmember Brossett, Sheriff Gusman, State Representative Duplessis and the Mayor’s Administration Partner to Provide Emergency Supplies Distribution at Milne Rec Center

Councilmember Brossett, Sheriff Gusman, State Representative Duplessis and the Mayor’s Administration Partner to Provide Emergency Supplies Distribution at Milne Rec Center

NEW ORLEANS - District "D" Councilmember Jared C. Brossett, in partnership with the Mayor’s Administration, Walmart, Second Harvest Food Bank, Sheriff Marlin N. Gusman, and State Representative Royce Duplessis, will be at the Milne Recreation Center in Gentilly today, September 2, from 2 PM to 5 PM to distribute food, tarps and other emergency supplies to residents impacted by Hurricane Ida.

August 19, 2021

Jared C. Brossett

Councilmember Brossett’s Resolutions on Student Loan Debt Cancellation and Enhanced Unemployment Benefits Passed Unanimously 

Councilmember Brossett’s Resolutions on Student Loan Debt Cancellation and Enhanced Unemployment Benefits Passed Unanimously 

The resolutions brought to the Council called on the Governor to reinstate Pandemic Enhanced Unemployment Benefits and on President Biden to take swift action to cancel student loan debt.

NEW ORLEANS - District "D" Councilmember Jared C. Brossett received unanimous support from his colleagues and members of the public on resolutions that improve economic conditions amidst the pandemic, which have become direr due to the surge of the Delta variant.

August 19, 2021

Jared C. Brossett

Councilmember Brossett Directs Administration to Present Plan to Raise Wages of all City Workers to a Livable Wage

Councilmember Brossett Directs Administration to Present Plan to Raise Wages of all City Workers to a Livable Wage

During today's City Council meeting, the CAO presented a plan to ensure all City workers receive a livable wage, showing several funding options to make it happen. 


NEW ORLEANS - In July of this year, District "D" Councilmember Jared C. Brossett introduced Ordinance 33,388, which directed the City to lay out a plan to raise the wages of City workers to at least $15 per hour as quickly as possible. Today, the CAO presented a variety of options to raise the hourly wage of all City employees, including members of the NOFD, some of whom are paid less than $12 per hour. 

August 17, 2021

Jared C. Brossett

Councilmember Brossett to Move Forward with Resolution to Call on Governor John Bel Edwards to Reinstate Federal Pandemic Unemployment Benefits

Councilmember Brossett to Move Forward with Resolution to Call on Governor John Bel Edwards to Reinstate Federal Pandemic Unemployment Benefits

NEW ORLEANS - This week, District "D" Councilmember Jared Brossett will be introducing a resolution he authored that requests the reinstatement of federal enhanced unemployment benefits. With the rise of the Delta variant, Louisiana is faced with its highest case numbers and hospitalizations since January, and over 152,000 throughout the state are unemployed.


August 17, 2021

Jared C. Brossett

Councilmember Brossett Calls for CAO and CFO to Attend August Budget Committee Hearing to Present on Usage of NHIF

Councilmember Brossett Calls for CAO and CFO to Attend August Budget Committee Hearing to Present on Usage of NHIF

Councilmember Brossett has requested a presentation regarding the appropriation and employment of NHIF dollars in order to create more transparency regarding the usage of City resources.

NEW ORLEANS - District "D" Councilmember Brossett, Chair of the Budget, Audit, and Board of Review Committee, is requesting the Administration make a presentation at the upcoming Budget Committee Hearing on Wednesday, August 25, at 10:30 a.m. to thoroughly review the allocation and application of NHIF dollars.


Included in the request he made in June, the Councilmember asked specifically about how the funds will be used to increase access to affordable housing. Additionally, he brought up concerns about access to rental assistance funds due to the increasingly long waitlist to receive relief. 


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