
May 31, 2019

Jason Rogers Williams, Helena Moreno

City Council to Introduce Resolution Condemning Abortion Ban

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - New Orleans City Councilmembers-at-Large Jason Williams and Helena Moreno will introduce a resolution at the next regular meeting on Thursday, June 6, 2019, condemning the State's recent passage of an anti-abortion law. Earlier this month, Louisiana State Legislators voted 79 to 23 to pass one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the country. 

May 17, 2019

Jason Rogers Williams

Councilmember Jason Williams Issues Statement on Juvenile Intervention Strategies

Councilmember Jason Williams Issues Statement on Juvenile Intervention Strategies

NEW ORLEANS - Councilmember-At-Large Jason Williams has issued the following statement regarding the District Attorney's Office and juvenile intervention strategies:

"District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro is not wrong that early intervention is an invaluable deterrent to juvenile crime. But his definition of intervention is jail. His proposal to arrest and detain all juvenile curfew violations misses the mark. It assumes our options for intervention are as limited as they were twenty years ago. This is simply not the case according to the data produced around youth development, trauma, and the effects of incarceration on the greater community.

May 9, 2019

Jason Rogers Williams, Helena Moreno, City Council

New Orleans City Council Transitions Presidency

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - Councilmembers-At-Large Jason Williams and Helena Moreno delivered remarks at today's regular meeting preceding the transition of roles from Council President to Council Vice President. Councilmembers shared news of ongoing progress and continued goals on public safety, housing, infrastructure, and more.

March 13, 2019

Jason Rogers Williams, City Council

City Council to Vote on Bicycle Safety Resolution

City Council to Vote on Bicycle Safety Resolution

NEW ORLEANS - Despite advances in pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure throughout New Orleans, at least three people riding bikes were killed and seven others injured within a 10-day span between Feb. 20 and March 2 of 2019. Louisiana ranks #2 nationally in bicycling deaths. At the regular City Council meeting on Thursday, March 14, Council President Jason Williams will propose a resolution calling for immediate adoption of an updated and comprehensive Complete Streets Policy, increased enforcement and educational efforts for those sharing the roadways, and designation of sections of streets for a weekly car-free day. Resolution No. R-19-95 also calls for improvements to the most dangerous New Orleans intersections, and traffic infrastructure updates citywide.

February 25, 2019

Jason Rogers Williams

Council President to Bring "Undesign the Redline" Exhibit to City Hall

Council President to Bring "Undesign the Redline" Exhibit to City Hall

NEW ORLEANS - From Monday, Feb. 25th to Friday, March 1st, the lobby of City Hall will display part of the "Undesign the Redline" exhibit. A presentation on the project will be made to the Smart and Sustainable Cities Committee meeting on Thursday, February 28th. The exhibit tells the story of redlining and other discriminatory housing policies at the national level and in New Orleans that resulted in drastic differences in investment and opportunity for people based on to whom they were born. It weaves a narrative of cause and effect that provides context for understanding so many of the pressing issues the city faces today. Undressing the Redline will be on display at the Tulane Small Center until April 1st. This endeavor is possible with the support of Enterprise, Tulane Small Center, Foundation for Louisiana, GNOF, Fidelity Bank, Gulf Coast Housing Partnership, and Coats Rose.


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Freddie King III
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