
November 13, 2020

Cyndi Nguyen

City of New Orleans to Honor The New Orleans Four on the 60th Anniversary of Desegregation

City of New Orleans to Honor The New Orleans Four on the 60th Anniversary of Desegregation

NEW ORLEANS - On Saturday, November 14, the 60th Anniversary of Desegregation, the City of New Orleans will honor civil rights pioneers, The New Orleans Four - Leona Tate, Ruby Bridges, Tessie Prevost, and Gail Etienne in recognition of their courageous and selfless dedication to equal educational opportunity for children of color. All four of the Civil Rights Pioneers have been invited to receive the city's highest honor. The ceremony will celebrate the Pioneers in song, citations, and proclamations, with Mayor LaToya Cantrell presenting them with the key to the city. The event will begin at 10:30 am in front of Gallier Hall, located at 545 St. Charles Ave.

October 15, 2020

Cyndi Nguyen

*REMINDER* District E to Hold Drive-Thru Jingle on the Boulevard

*REMINDER* District E to Hold Drive-Thru Jingle on the Boulevard

NEW ORLEANS - This year, Christmas will look a little different in District "E" and across the entire City of New Orleans. Our annual holiday traditions, along with many aspects of our daily life, will need to change due to COVID-19. For the last two years, Councilmember Cyndi Nguyen and partners have put on the Jingle on the Boulevard Parade in District E, with the inaugural Jingle Ball in 2019. According to Councilwoman Nguyen, while her office fully intends to host that event again in the future, right now they are pivoting to keep families and friends safe this holiday season.  

October 13, 2020

Cyndi Nguyen

*REMINDER* Councilwoman Cyndi Nguyen to Host Virtual Coffee & Conversation on Saturday, Oct. 17

*REMINDER* Councilwoman Cyndi Nguyen to Host Virtual Coffee & Conversation on Saturday, Oct. 17

NEW ORLEANS - District "E" Councilmember Cyndi Nguyen will host her next Coffee & Conversation event this Saturday, Oct. 17, from 12 - 1:30 PM. Residents are encouraged to tune in virtually via the Zoom information provided below:

October 2, 2020

District E, Cyndi Nguyen

District E to Hold Drive-Thru Jingle on the Boulevard

District E to Hold Drive-Thru Jingle on the Boulevard

NEW ORLEANS - This year, Christmas will look a little different in District "E" and across the entire City of New Orleans. Our annual holiday traditions, along with many aspects of our daily life, will need to change due to COVID-19. For the last two years, Councilmember Cyndi Nguyen and partners have put on the Jingle on the Boulevard Parade in District E, with the inaugural Jingle Ball in 2019. According to Councilwoman Nguyen, while her office fully intends to host that event again in the future, right now they are pivoting to keep families and friends safe this holiday season.  


September 2, 2020

Cyndi Nguyen

Councilwoman Nguyen Shares District E Development Progress After the 15th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

Councilwoman Nguyen Shares District E Development Progress After the 15th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

NEW ORLEANS - This weekend, with the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, many are looking back over the past 15 years and gauging redevelopment and progress. Councilwoman Cyndi Nguyen would like to share information on progress in District E, the Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans East, Fort Pike, and Venetian Isles since she took office as a City Councilmember on May 8, 2018:


View past news items from 2009-2017.

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