
June 29, 2021

Helena Moreno

annabis Decriminalization Legislation Advances Unanimously

annabis Decriminalization Legislation Advances Unanimously

NEW ORLEANS - Council President Moreno’s cannabis decriminalization legislation passed through the Council’s Criminal Justice Committee unanimously today, June 29. The legislation automatically pardons all future municipal minor possession summonses, pardons more than 10,000 previously charged summonses or convictions, and prohibits public smoking of cannabis to maintain public health standards.

June 29, 2021

Helena Moreno

Councilmembers Moreno and Glapion to Propose Public Process and Council Approval Requirements for City Hall Relocation

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - Today, Council President Helena Moreno and Vice President Donna Glapion announced they have pre-filed legislation announcing their intention to require any relocation of City Hall to go through a "conditional use" process with mandatory Council approval.


The At-Large Members would require such a process through a text amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO), making any relocation of City Hall subject to the same inclusive, community-centric approach required of other land-use decisions. A motion spelling out these changes was pre-filed for the June 15, 2021, Council Meeting.

June 29, 2021

Helena Moreno

City Council Approval of Full Decriminalization of Simple Possession of Marijuana Begins Today

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - The approval process to end the criminalization of simple possession of marijuana will begin in the Council’s Criminal Justice Committee today, June 29 at 2 p.m.


Council President Helena Moreno introduced ordinances to fully decriminalize municipal simple possession of marijuana last month after a recent analysis showed an alarming number of summons written for the charge; 2400 in 2019 with 86% issued to Black people. The NOPD manpower hours associated with these summonses are also problematic. Police are currently required to write reports, have a supervisor review the report and log evidence associated with the summons, which averages about an hour per summons issued. Council President Moreno believes that police manpower can be better utilized focusing on more serious matters than writing pot tickets. 


June 24, 2021

Helena Moreno

City Council Approval of Full Decriminalization of Simple Possession of Marijuana Begins Next Week

City Council Approval of Full Decriminalization of Simple Possession of Marijuana Begins Next Week

NEW ORLEANS - The approval process to end the criminalization of simple possession of marijuana will begin in the Council’s Criminal Justice Committee on Tuesday, June 29 at 2 p.m.


Council President Helena Moreno introduced ordinances to fully decriminalize municipal simple possession of marijuana last month after a recent analysis showed an alarming number of summons written for the charge; 2400 in 2019 with 86% issued to Black people. The NOPD manpower hours associated with these summonses are also problematic. Police are currently required to write reports, have a supervisor review the report and log evidence associated with the summons, which averages about an hour per summons issued. Council President Moreno believes that police manpower can be better utilized focusing on more serious matters than writing pot tickets. 

June 16, 2021

Helena Moreno

Council President Moreno Announces Task Force To Build Crisis Response Team Framework

Council President Moreno Announces Task Force To Build Crisis Response Team Framework

NEW ORLEANS - Alongside advocates, community stakeholders, and administration officials, Council President Moreno is proud to announce the filing of a formal Council Advisory Task Force focused on creating a model for crisis response in New Orleans.

The 13-member Task Force will be made up of community appointees with relevant expertise and experiences, as well as public safety officials. Members will be selected by August 1, 2021, and Council Advisory Task Force meetings will be open to the public.


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