
May 6, 2020

Jason Rogers Williams, Helena Moreno

At-Large Councilmembers Moreno and Williams Launch Campaign to Promote and Encourage COVID-19 Testing

Seal of the City of New Orleans
NEW ORLEANS - Councilmembers Helena Moreno and Jason Williams are getting tested for COVID-19 on camera to show testing is safe, easy, free and coming to your neighborhood. 

Both went on camera to get a test to ease the nerves of those who are hesitant and to promote neighborhood testing sites all over the city. This is just part of their Crush The Curve New Orleans campaign to encourage access to COVID-19 testing for everyone in the city. 

May 1, 2020

Jason Rogers Williams, Helena Moreno, Jay H. Banks

Councilmembers Moreno, Williams and Banks Announce Mobile COVID-19 Testing Coming to Central City

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANSCouncilmembers Helena Moreno, Jason Williams and Jay H. Banks are proud to announce the launch of mobile COVID-19 testing in Central City. In partnership with the City of New Orleans, NOLA Ready and the New Orleans Health Department and Ochsner, the drive-thru or walk-up testing will take place on Tuesday, May 5, and Wednesday, May 6, from 9 AM - 4 PM at the New Hope Baptist Church. 

April 30, 2020

Helena Moreno

Council President Moreno Works with Entergy New Orleans to Provide Additional Bill Support for Customers

Council President Moreno Works with Entergy New Orleans to Provide Additional Bill Support for Customers

NEW ORLEANS - Council President Helena Moreno, as Chair of the Utilities Committee, has been working closely with Entergy New Orleans on ensuring that people struggling financially during this pandemic receive significant assistance with bill payments. The company has agreed to provide a range option for residential and commercial customers, including potential bill reductions and providing an extended period of time to catch up with bills.

April 21, 2020

Helena Moreno

United Way Reopening Emergency Grant Applications for Hospitality Workers

United Way Reopening Emergency Grant Applications for Hospitality Workers

NEW ORLEANS - After a successful fundraising campaign, United Way of Southeast Louisiana (UWSELA) is reopening emergency grant applications for hospitality workers. Council President Helena Moreno partnered with UWSELA to raise dollars to provide for more grants after the initial application process on March 21 had to temporarily shut down due to the high demand. The first round of grants provided $500 individual grants to more than 1300 people. Since then, the fund has now grown to $1.5 million with the help of many major donors, including Peyton Manning, Saints linebacker Demario Davis, Entergy New Orleans, Zatarain's and many others.

April 19, 2020

Helena Moreno

New Orleans City Council President Helena Moreno's Statement On Reopening Timeline

New Orleans City Council President Helena Moreno's Statement On Reopening Timeline

NEW ORLEANS - "I've read public letters and many emails regarding Mayor LaToya Cantrell's extension of the stay at home order to mid-May. My response every time is that her decision was based on health data on what could lead to saving the most lives of people in New Orleans and as President of the New Orleans City Council, I support her putting life, health and safety of New Orleanians above all else. Some ask why is New Orleans taking mitigation steps so seriously? The answer is New Orleans, the virus is clearly very prevalent. We've seen the most cases and deaths in the state. At one point, New Orleans had the most deaths per capita in the Nation. We've lost 329 people. I'll also add that data shows that if we open too early or make mistakes in reopening, it will not only lead to a great loss of life but even further exacerbate economic impact. 


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