
April 5, 2023

City Council Members

City Council Applauds the Ratification of Union Contracts at Superdome, Smoothie King Center, & Convention Center

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NEW ORLEANS - Service industry workers at New Orleans’ three largest venues have ratified union contracts with UNITE HERE Local 23. Newly-organized workers at the Superdome and Smoothie King Arena will receive their first union contracts, and workers at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center will receive an updated agreement. The workers are employed by Sodexo, which is among the nation’s largest food service providers and one of the largest individual employers in the city of New Orleans.

January 29, 2021

City Council Members, City Council

Donna Glapion Sworn in as New At-Large City Councilmember

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NEW ORLEANS - Today, the City Council held a private swearing-in ceremony to officially welcome Councilmember-At-Large Division 2 appointee Donna Glapion following her confirmation during Thursday's regular meeting. Councilmember Glapion will assume her duties immediately and will serve through the remainder of former Councilmember and newly-elected District Attorney Jason Williams' term.

June 14, 2020

City Council Members

Councilmembers Issue Statement on Removal and Dumping of the John McDonough Statue

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - City Councilmembers Jay H. Banks, Jared C. Brossett, Kristin Gisleson Palmer and Cyndi Nguyen have released the following statement in response to the removal of the John McDonough Statue in Duncan Plaza: 

June 9, 2020

City Council Members

District Councilmembers to Introduce Legislation Creating an Advisory Committee to Rename Streets, Parks, and Places that Glorify White Supremacy

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - Districts "A" through "E" New Orleans City Councilmembers will introduce a motion (M-20-170) during the next regular meeting on Thursday, June 18, establishing the City Council Street Renaming Commission, an advisory committee to run a public process for making recommendations to rename streets, parks, and places in New Orleans that honor white supremacists. 

April 9, 2020

City Council Members

City Council Launches Centralized Face Coverings Resource and Donation Website

Seal of the City of New Orleans

City Council Launches Centralized Face Coverings Resource and Donation Website 

NEW ORLEANS - The New Orleans City Council has partnered with the Mayor's Office and the City's Department of Health to launch a centralized website for resources and donations for cloth face coverings called "SewDat." The website provides a location where citizens, non-profits and businesses can donate cloth face coverings to non-medical, essential employees at grocery stores, restaurants, bus and taxi drivers, volunteers staffing food pantries, and meal distribution centers. In addition, the website will offer a place for residents to purchase cloth face coverings, limiting competition for N95 and surgical masks, which are in high demand and short supply for healthcare professionals and other first responders in Louisiana.  



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Governmental Affairs Committee
Public Works, Sanitation and Environment Committee
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Ad Valorem & Dedicated Revenue Special Committee
City Council Canal Street Collapse Special Committee
Council Emergency Preparedness and Cybersecurity Special Committee
Crisis Intervention Strategy Taskforce
IIJA Joint Council and Legislative Committee
SWBNO Billing Ordinance Advisory Committee
Carnival Legislative Advisory Committee
RDNI Subdistrict
New Orleans Exhibition Hall Authority Economic Growth and Development District
Revenue Estimating Conference
Environmental Advisory Committee
CollapseAlcoholic Beverage Control Board
Sales Tax Hearing
Nuisance Hearing
Felicia Kahn Equal Pay Advisory Committee
Ferry Advisory Committee
CollapseCity Council Members
Jared C. Brossett
Jason Rogers Williams
Kristin Gisleson Palmer
Cyndi Nguyen
Helena Moreno
Jay H. Banks
Joseph I. Giarrusso
Lesli Harris
Jean-Paul "JP" Morrell
Freddie King III
Eugene J. Green
Oliver Thomas
Donna Glapion
District A
District B
District C
District D
District E
District At-Large 1
District At-Large 2
Task Force on Nonprofit Parcel Fees
City Council Street Renaming Commission
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