
November 21, 2019

Helena Moreno

President Moreno Prioritizes City Response to Domestic Violence with New Funding

President Moreno Prioritizes City Response to Domestic Violence with New Funding

NEW ORLEANS - Today, through an amendment authored by Council President Helena Moreno, the City's Health Department received a $250k allocation toward domestic violence initiatives. Until now, the Health Department was limited in its efforts because it was dependent on funding from grants. This new money will allow the City to increase its scope of work and assistance to victims.

November 7, 2019

Helena Moreno

City Council Approves Rate Order to Lower Customer Rates as well as $1M Fine for Entergy New Orleans

City Council Approves Rate Order to Lower Customer Rates as well as $1M Fine for Entergy New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - Today, the Council authorized a rate order for Entergy New Orleans (ENO) to lower citywide rates for customers and build a pathway towards a cleaner energy future. The approved rate order reduces average residential bills by up to an estimated $3 a month while providing significant advancements on climate and equity issues. 

October 23, 2019

Helena Moreno

Utilities Committee Orders First Rate Reductions For Residents in Almost Nine Years

Utilities Committee Orders First Rate Reductions For Residents in Almost Nine Years

NEW ORLEANS - Today, the Utilities Committee unanimously ordered electric and gas rate reductions for residents and businesses across New Orleans in a rate case resolution approved today. The resolution orders Entergy New Orleans to lower residential bills by an average of $34 a year, and saves taxpayers significant dollars with lower rates for the City and Sewerage and Water Board, while providing new green power options and freezing the regressive minimum customer charge at just $8.

September 19, 2019

Helena Moreno

Resolution Urges Assessor's Office to Provide Full Review of Industrial Tax Exemptions to Council

Resolution Urges Assessor's Office to Provide Full Review of Industrial Tax Exemptions to Council

Council further requests annual reports on exemption status' to promote regular accountability

NEW ORLEANS - Today, President Helena Moreno and the New Orleans City Council continued their work to account for the tax status of properties classified as exempt under the Industrial Tax Exemption Program (ITEP). Since last spring, Moreno and Together New Orleans have been unearthing information indicating that many properties currently considered "exempt" are in fact no longer exempt - in some cases going many years back. These exemptions excuse largely major corporations from paying millions in property taxes.

September 12, 2019

Helena Moreno

Council President Helena Moreno Calls for Annual Review of Property Tax Breaks for Corporations After Discovery of $700,000+ Owed to City

Council President Helena Moreno Calls for Annual Review of Property Tax Breaks for Corporations After Discovery of $700,000+ Owed to City

NEW ORLEANS - After months of work by the group Together New Orleans (TNO) and the office of Council President Helena Moreno asking for corporations with cancelled property tax breaks to be taxed accordingly, finally, the New Orleans Assessor is taking action. The Assessor's Office will now place some previously exempt properties back on the tax rolls and launch a comprehensive review to ensure other cancelled exemptions haven't been missed.


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