
August 25, 2019

Helena Moreno

Impact of New Property Assessments to be Heard by Council Committee

Impact of New Property Assessments to be Heard by Council Committee

NEW ORLEANS - Due to the outcry over recent property tax assessments, the Ad Valorem and Dedicated Revenue Committee will hear a presentation on the impacted areas and possible mitigation options. The meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 26 at 10 a.m. in Council Chamber at City Hall.

August 23, 2019

Helena Moreno

Special Ad Valorem & Dedicated Revenue Committee to Hear Testimony on Expiring Millages, Convention Center and Assessor Surpluses, and State Gambling Revenues

Special Ad Valorem & Dedicated Revenue Committee to Hear Testimony on Expiring Millages, Convention Center and Assessor Surpluses, and State Gambling Revenues

NEW ORLEANS - Today, Council President Helena Moreno announced her priorities for the Special Ad Valorem and Dedicated Revenue Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, Aug. 26. The Committee will focus on illuminating additional sources of revenue - including expiring millages - and the roles they may play in sustaining and enhancing services. President Moreno has called upon the Administration, the Public Library, the Convention Center, and the State Legislative Fiscal Office to attend to discuss lesser-known and understood revenue sources such as expiring millages, state gambling revenue, and surpluses in associated state-agencies.

August 18, 2019

Helena Moreno

City Council President Helena Moreno Releases Statement on the Passing of Former Governor Kathleen Blanco

City Council President Helena Moreno Releases Statement on the Passing of Former Governor Kathleen Blanco

NEW ORLEANS - City Council President Helena Moreno has issued the following statement on the passing of former Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco:

August 16, 2019

Helena Moreno

City Council President Helena Moreno Issues Statement on the Death of Nancy Parker

City Council President Helena Moreno Issues Statement on the Death of Nancy Parker

NEW ORLEANS - City Council President Helena Moreno has released the following statement on the Death of Nancy Parker:

July 16, 2019

Helena Moreno

Council Announces Massive Increase In Renewable Energy Capacity, Construction of Grid-Scale Solar Power Plant In New Orleans East

Council Announces Massive Increase In Renewable Energy Capacity, Construction of Grid-Scale Solar Power Plant In New Orleans East

NEW ORLEANS - Today, Council President and Utilities Committee Chair Helena Moreno announced the pending addition of 90MW of renewable solar generation to the City's generation portfolio, representing an increase of over 20 times the current capacity and including the construction of a 20MW grid-scale solar plant in New Orleans East (NOE) on 200 acres of the flood-protected NASA Michoud property. 


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