
July 2, 2020

Jason Rogers Williams

City Council Unanimously Adopts Resolution Supporting Free RTA Rides on Election Day

City Council Unanimously Adopts Resolution Supporting Free RTA Rides on Election Day

NEW ORLEANS - During today's regular meeting, the City Council adopted Resolution R-20-220, voicing its support of the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Board of Commissioners who recently declared free transportation days for all future citywide election days in Orleans Parish. 

June 18, 2020

Jason Rogers Williams, Helena Moreno

New Orleans City Council Calls for New Public Database on Police Misconduct

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - At today's regular meeting, the City Council adopted Resolution R-20-175, supporting the creation of a public-facing database by the Independent Police Monitor (IPM) to increase community engagement, ensure timely data collection, and provide heightened transparency of local law enforcement encounters to create additional accountability. Building and maintaining community trust is the cornerstone of successful policing, and by expanding efforts to collect and publicly provide comprehensive data on the use of force and disciplinary action for law enforcement officers, the Council hopes to take one step closer toward achieving that. 

June 15, 2020

Jason Rogers Williams

Council President Jason Williams Releases Statement on Arrest of Councilmember Brossett

Council President Jason Williams Releases Statement on Arrest of Councilmember Brossett

NEW ORLEANS - Council President Jason Williams has issued the following statement in response to the recent arrest of fellow Councilmember Jared Brossett:

June 9, 2020

Jason Rogers Williams

Councilmember Jason Williams Announces Plans to Create New Advisory Committee to Examine Allocation of City Resources

Councilmember Jason Williams Announces Plans to Create New Advisory Committee to Examine Allocation of City Resources

NEW ORLEANFollowing the recent deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Amaud Arbery, cities nationwide are coming to terms with necessary systemic reforms to decrease opportunities for police violence against people of color.


June 6, 2020

Jason Rogers Williams, Helena Moreno

Community Petition to Rename Jefferson Davis Parkway Surpasses 10,000 Signatures

Seal of the City of New Orleans


NEW ORLEANS The original petition, begun by Mark Raymond of the A.P. Tureaud Sr. Legacy Committee, requesting that Jefferson Davis Parkway to be renamed Norman C. Francis Parkway has surpassed 10,000 community signatures in just four days. 


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