
June 3, 2021

Helena Moreno

Council Unanimously Endorses Crisis Response and Intervention Team Framework

Council Unanimously Endorses Crisis Response and Intervention Team Framework

NEW ORLEANS - Today, the City Council began the process of establishing a non-police Crisis Response and Intervention Team to respond to and help people in mental health crises. Currently, it’s NOPD that handles thousands of mental health calls annually while other cities are now transitioning to more effectively utilizing mental health professionals to respond to these cases instead of police. 

May 26, 2021

Helena Moreno

Council President Moreno Introduces Ordinances to Fully Decriminalize Local Simple Possession of Marijuana to Help Focus Law Enforcement Priorities on Major Crime

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - Today, Council President Helena Moreno introduced ordinances to fully decriminalize municipal simple possession of marijuana. She is also releasing the full report on marijuana summons and equity by City Council analyst Jeff Asher that led to her proposal.

The report shows various samples of data, including that 2400 municipal summons were issued in 2019 with 86% issued to Black people. The manpower hours for writing police reports, supervisor review, and logging of evidence associated with the summons averages about an hour per summons issued. Council President Moreno believes that police manpower can be better utilized focusing on more serious matters than writing pot tickets. 

May 26, 2021

Helena Moreno

Council President Helena Moreno Announces 100% Clean Power Mandate Set for Vote at Wednesday Committee Hearing

Council President Helena Moreno Announces 100% Clean Power Mandate Set for Vote at Wednesday Committee Hearing

NEW ORLEANS - Today, Council President and Utilities Chair Helena Moreno announced the final committee vote on the Council's Renewable and Clean Portfolio Standard (RCPS), which would end emissions from Entergy New Orleans power generation by 2050, reaching net-zero emissions in 2040. Entergy New Orleans would be required to serve New Orleans customers with 100% clean power thereafter.


"This new policy will begin a rapid transition towards clean and renewable energy and away from fossil fuels. We simply can't wait - we must take strong climate action today. I believe that this climate action plan is bold, obtainable, and most importantly swift," said Council President Moreno. "With these rules, New Orleans will be the first territory in the gulf south and among the national leaders in confronting the generational challenge of climate change and helping secure a 100% clean and more resilient power future for us all.”

May 4, 2021

Helena Moreno

Council President Helena Moreno Welcomes Plan for Limited Reopening of Council Chamber this Month

Council President Helena Moreno Welcomes Plan for Limited Reopening of Council Chamber this Month

NEW ORLEANS - Today, the Community Development Committee heard a central staff presentation requested by Council President Helena Moreno to reopen the Council's Chamber for in-person public meetings. The plan, approved by the City's Chief Health Officer, Dr. Jennifer Avegno, allows for a maximum capacity of 30-40 members of the public and requires face coverings for all attendees. Council Chambers has also been modified and outfitted with plexiglass safety barriers and social distancing mitigations to help protect attendees.

May 4, 2021

Helena Moreno

Council President Helena Moreno Advances Decriminalization of Fentanyl Testing Strips, a "Life-Saving Tool"

Council President Helena Moreno Advances Decriminalization of Fentanyl Testing Strips, a "Life-Saving Tool"

NEW ORLEANS - Today, Council President Helena Moreno advanced her legislation to decriminalize fentanyl testing strips, a widely supported harm reduction measure to save lives in New Orleans. Fentanyl-laced drugs are one of the leading causes of overdoses in New Orleans and throughout the country. Testing strips to determine the presence of fentanyl are currently banned by the City Code.



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