
April 10, 2023

Helena Moreno

Councilmember Moreno Applauds Abortion Legislation Providing Exceptions and Eliminating Criminal Penalties Targeting Physicians New Poll Shows Most Louisiana Residents Agree

Councilmember Moreno Applauds Abortion Legislation Providing Exceptions and Eliminating Criminal Penalties Targeting Physicians  New Poll Shows Most Louisiana Residents Agree

NEW ORLEANS - Several pieces of legislation easing restrictions on abortion will be considered during the 2023 Legislative Session. Council Vice President Helena Moreno and other advocates have raised many issues with the previous laws enacted and applaud legislators fighting for corrective action.


The legislation for consideration is also in line with what most Louisiana residents support, according to a poll released today by LIFT Louisiana and conducted by JMC Analytics. The poll results show that 73% of respondents support abortion if it is in the doctor’s best medical judgment, and 59% oppose criminal penalties for a physician who performs an abortion. For rape and incest exceptions, 70% of respondents support these exceptions.


Several bills will consider abortion issues:

  1. HB 522 by Rep. Aimee Freeman eliminates criminal penalties for physicians who perform an abortion.
  2. HB 461 by Rep. Mary DuBuisson clarifies miscarriage management is exempt from abortion restrictions.
  3. HB 346 by Rep. Delisa Boyd and HB 549 by Rep. Cedric Glover provide exceptions for rape and incest.
  4. HB 598 by Rep. Candace Newell provides exceptions for removal of an ectopic pregnancy.
  5. HB 266 by Mandie Landry prohibits prosecution or penalties for pregnancy outcome.


“The current laws have been unfair and heartbreaking to women who have suffered medical consequences,” said Councilmember Moreno. “I’m proud of legislators who are stepping up to resolve these issues. Restrictions on reproductive rights are impacting women's health across the state. While I wish more could be done, including lifting the ban, I stand with advocates to get the most critical corrective actions passed this legislative session.”


In today’s news release by LIFT Louisiana, Executive Director Michelle Erenberg said, “We are constantly hearing from lawmakers that their constituents want these extreme abortion restrictions, but this poll shows the opposite. And it is clear, voters across the state, not just in city centers, believe we have gone too far.”


The 2023 Legislative Session began today, April 10. Most of these bills will be deliberated by the Health and Welfare or the Criminal Justice Committees before heading to the full House of Representatives. The session ends on June 8.





Media Contact:

Andrew Tuozzolo

Chief of Staff, Office of Helena Moreno


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