
Archive 2009-2017

March 22, 2018

Jason Rogers Williams

March for Our Lives to Rally Friday and Saturday

Seal of the City of New Orleans

Councilmember-At-Large Jason Williams
NEW ORLEANS - Students from Cohen High School will take part in the national movement for gun regulation and depart from Lafayette Square at 10 a.m. on Friday, March 23rd. They will march to City Hall student organizers have invited City Council President Jason Williams to join them to speak.

Additionally, concurrent with the National March for Our Lives actions, young people from across the city will lead a peaceful march to demand that effective bills on gun regulation be brought before the LA State Legislature. Co-sponsored by Moms Demand Action, the event will be held Saturday, March 24th departing from Washington Square Park at Noon.

Of the March for Our Lives events, Councilmember Williams says, "We need to follow the lead of the students from Parkland High School and of our young people in the city of New Orleans. Columbine wasn't an aberration; it was the beginning of a new way of life, one of fear in the one place specifically designed as a safe space for kids: school. Congress and our State Legislature see this clear and present danger and still do nothing. Our National and State Houses cannot continue to balk at common sense gun regulation as these senseless tragedies mount. This movement should inspire elected officials to take action."


Katie Hunter-Lowrey
Director of Communications
Office of Council President Jason Williams
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