NEW ORLEANS - The Regional Planning Commission (RPC) will conduct a pedestrian and bicycle feasibility study linking Algiers residents to major public facilities, parks, schools and libraries within their community. The study will also focus on development of the General Meyer Corridor (LA Hwy. 428) between Behrman Avenue and Woodland.
The analysis will address existing safety concerns along the corridors and look for opportunities to incorporate sidewalks and bicycle lanes. District "C" Councilmember and Transportation Committee Chair Kristin Palmer requested this study and pushed for funding for the project months ago, recommending the RPC to consider planning for more bike lanes and sidewalks to Algiers' neighborhoods.
"This project is a major step forward in providing Algiers residents with more safe and reliable transportation options. We're excited that the RPC will look to connect bike lanes and sidewalks across several neighborhoods which would allow easier access to city facilities and activity centers including Behrman and Brechtel Parks, Delgado Community College, recreational facilities, schools, libraries, playgrounds and public transit stops. Residents have waited too long for better transit options, and hopefully, this feasibility study will highlight the needs of the Algiers community," said Councilmember Palmer.
The City of New Orleans and the Algiers Economic Development Foundation will assist the RPC with its study. The RPC anticipates its analysis will serve as a pilot project for additional neighborhoods in the City seeking to update or create a strategic pedestrian and bicycle plan.
"RPC looks forward to working with the City of New Orleans and other stakeholders in developing a complete streets concept plan for the Gen. Meyers corridor and a conceptual bicycle routing plan. This study will lay out concepts to enhance bike and pedestrian connectivity from neighborhoods to important destinations in Algiers. It is meant to enhance and inform broader policy efforts by the City to implement more detailed and comprehensive bicycle, pedestrian, and complete streets policies," said Jeff Roesel, RPC Executive Director.
The project will kick-off with a public meeting within in the next few weeks explaining further details about the study.
Media Contact:
Tiffaney Bradley Communications Director
Councilmember Kristin Gisleson Palmer, District 'C'
(504) 658-1034