
December 13, 2018

Helena Moreno

City Council Utilities Committee Advances Two Important Items During December 13th Meeting

City Council Utilities Committee Advances Two Important Items During December 13th Meeting

NEW ORLEANS - Today, the Council's Utilities Committee advanced two important items to help grow renewable energy and improve energy efficiency for New Orleanians. Additionally, Chair Moreno announced the approval of the City's own "Cost Allocation Zone," shielding New Orleanians from power construction project costs incurred across Louisiana and our region that don't benefit our ratepayers.

First, the Council advanced a new Community Solar framework which would allow individuals to benefit from the power and bill credits that independent solar projects produce without installing panels on their own homes. This helps all New Orleanians, especially low-income ratepayers, benefit from solar energy production without outsized installation costs. Also, it encourages independent nonprofits, philanthropies, and developers to build solar capacity by recruiting subscribers to their project. There is still more work to do on this issue, and the Chair committed to continuing to evolve the transparency and subsidy rates paid to consumers as it moves toward full Council consideration.

Second, the Committee moved the Whole Buildings Data Resolution, helping clear the way for large buildings to better understand their energy usage and encourage greater efficiency. This program helps build the data capacity to allow large users of energy to cut their unnecessary use while lowering the overall need for electricity - and the building of further capacity - in the city. This saves everyone money.

Both items were passed unanimously and will next be considered by the full Council.



Andrew Tuozzolo

Office of Councilmember-at-Large Helena Moreno

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