NEW ORLEANS - City Council President Helena Moreno has issued the following statement with updates on the recent cyber attack at City Hall:
" Friday's cyber attack against New Orleans has affected over 4,000 computers and devices, which include those of the City Council. We are working along with the City's Information and Technology Office to restore the Council phone systems as early as Monday morning. We've learned that email and online systems may take longer.
In all likelihood, this attack will impact the last regular Council meeting of the year, which is scheduled for Thursday, December 19th, at 10:00 AM. We will communicate through these means, social media and other methods about the meeting on Thursday, and the restoration of the City's technology infrastructure.
It will take some time to bring all regular city systems back online, and public safety is the priority. We appreciate the public's patience as the City works to restore its technology infrastructure."
Media Contact:
Andrew Tuozzolo
Chief of Staff
Office of Councilmember-at-Large Helena Moreno
(504) 281-9882