
December 10, 2020

Helena Moreno

Councilmember Moreno Announces Over $1M in Utility Ratepayer Savings Through Reducing Consultant Costs and Local Hiring

Councilmember Moreno Announces Over $1M in Utility Ratepayer Savings Through Reducing Consultant Costs and Local Hiring

NEW ORLEANS – Today, Council Utilities Chair Helena Moreno announced new results from an ongoing, multi-year effort to build local capacity for utility regulation and reduced reliance on outside advisors.


For years, the public and advocacy groups have pushed to reduce the amount of ratepayer money paid to outside advisors to regulate Entergy New Orleans, but no cost-cutting measures were implemented until Councilmember Moreno authored sweeping changes for oversight and payment.


“Growing New Orleans talent and building in-house advocacy and regulatory competency is essential for a more progressive energy future,” said Utilities Chair Moreno. “Using advanced budgeting techniques and by hiring more in-house staff, we’re proud to announce that outside advisors came in more than $1M under budget this year, representing seven-figure savings to ratepayers.”


“Reducing the cost and direction of utility consultants has been discussed for over a decade with no change. These efforts to save money, invest in local expertise, and build a strong in-house regulatory office is paying off. This Council’s action proves that representation that listens to community concerns bears better outcomes for New Orleans," said Logan Burke, Executive Director of the Alliance for Affordable Energy.


While budgeting is still being finalized, early projections indicate that outside consultants will for the first year (in recent record) come in under budget. The total unspent budget is roughly $1.2M.


This achievement comes after the Council Utilities Chair Moreno initiated a multi-year strategy to increase staffing in Council Utilities Regulatory Office (CURO) and enact tighter budgeting controls on outside consultants. More cost savings are expected in the future as the CURO office continues to build internal staff and further reduces the necessity for outside consultants.





Media Contact:

Andrew Tuozzolo

Chief of Staff

Office of Councilmember-at-Large Helena Moreno

1300 Perdido Street, 2w40

New Orleans, Louisiana 70112


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