
February 25, 2019

Jason Rogers Williams

Council President to Bring "Undesign the Redline" Exhibit to City Hall

Council President to Bring "Undesign the Redline" Exhibit to City Hall

NEW ORLEANS - From Monday, Feb. 25th to Friday, March 1st, the lobby of City Hall will display part of the "Undesign the Redline" exhibit. A presentation on the project will be made to the Smart and Sustainable Cities Committee meeting on Thursday, February 28th. The exhibit tells the story of redlining and other discriminatory housing policies at the national level and in New Orleans that resulted in drastic differences in investment and opportunity for people based on to whom they were born. It weaves a narrative of cause and effect that provides context for understanding so many of the pressing issues the city faces today. Undressing the Redline will be on display at the Tulane Small Center until April 1st. This endeavor is possible with the support of Enterprise, Tulane Small Center, Foundation for Louisiana, GNOF, Fidelity Bank, Gulf Coast Housing Partnership, and Coats Rose.

"UnDesign the Redline is a powerful exhibit that displays the web of discriminatory housing policies and practices that have contributed to inequity in New Orleans and other American cities. said Rashidah Williams, Assistant Director, Albert and Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design, Tulane School of Architecture. Beyond offering a deeper understanding of history, the exhibit serves as a catalyst to "Undesign" the legacy of systemic racism and exclusion through efforts today.

Council President Jason Williams toured the exhibit in January and is bringing it to City Hall so that it is more widely shared with the public. Of the display, he says, "This incredible exhibit blends visual art and history to lay out the legacy of redlining and other discriminatory policies that continue to impact neighborhoods and equity today. Thank you to Tulane Small Center and Enterprise Community Partners for working with us to bring this important timeline of the historic differences in investment and opportunity, both locally and nationally, to City Hall. The more New Orleanians who can see this exhibit, the richer our shared dialogue on housing, investment, and equity can be." 

"Enterprise is very appreciative of Councilmember Williams for bringing Undesign the Redline to City Hall," said Michelle Whetten, Enterprise Vice President and Gulf Coast market leader. "Undressing provides visitors a powerful insight into the historical forces that shaped New Orleans. This context helps to reinforce the importance of the current work of the City Council and others on affordable housing and zoning issues to address economic and social inequities the city faces today."




Media Contact:

Katie Hunter-Lowrey

Director of Communications

Councilmember-At-Large Jason Rogers Williams

(504) 345-4076

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