
July 15, 2021

Helena Moreno

City Council Places Library Renewal on November Ballot

City Council Places Library Renewal on November Ballot

NEW ORLEANS - Today, the City Council officially placed the full renewal of the library millage on the November ballot. This 4 mill tax renewal continues the expiring ad valorem tax that supports the operations of the New Orleans Public Library, which was authorized by voters on November 4, 1986, through December 31, 2021. 

If approved by voters, this would authorize the City to levy a special tax of up to 4 mills on all taxable property for a period of twenty years (beginning on January 1, 2022, and expiring on December 31, 2041) with an estimated collection totaling $17,498,020 to support the critical services of New Orleans’ public libraries. 

“The public has been loud and clear in their support for our library system and today’s action responds directly to that need. This ballot vote would create a dedicated, long-term funding source that will sustain and help grow the library system for decades to come,” said Council President Helena Moreno. “A thriving public library is so important for the growth and health of our city, giving all New Orleanians a vital and cost-free connection to knowledge, enrichment, and exploration. I look forward to November’s election and ask for the public’s continued support for our libraries with a vote in favor at that time.”

“The voters have spoken: New Orleans needs a fully funded, fully-functional public library system,” said Councilmember Joe Giarrusso. “Funding the libraries is one of the ways to help with public safety. This renewal shows the Council’s commitment to funding the library’s staffing, programming, and future maintenance.”

“This millage puts the library on solid footing for the foreseeable future after an extremely difficult year. We at the Save Your Library Coalition’s steering committee pledge to enthusiastically campaign for the passage of this millage and are prepared to lead on this front. The people of New Orleans trust their libraries, love their libraries, and we take pride in them. We want to thank Councilmembers Moreno and Giarrusso and their staffs for their candor and understanding in the constructive conversations we have had leading up to this moment," said Jack Reno Sweeney, Save Your NOLA Library Coalition’s steering committee. 

Read Resolution R-21-270 in its entirety here.


Media Contact:
Andrew Tuozzolo
Chief of Staff
Office of Council President Helena Moreno

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