
March 11, 2020

Utility, Cable, Telecommunications and Technology Committee

Council Utilities Committee to Consider Clean and Renewable Energy Mandate for New Orleans

Council Utilities Committee to Consider Clean and Renewable Energy Mandate for New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - Tomorrow, March 12, the Council's Utilities Committee will take up a resolution establishing the Renewable and Clean Portfolio Standard, mandating a net-zero carbon emissions profile for Entergy New Orleans by the year 2040. Council President Helena Moreno has issued the following statement in advance of the meeting:


"As the regulator of the City's power utility, the Council can set guidelines on climate action for Entergy New Orleans. After months of work, I'm proud to author the Renewable and Clean Portfolio Standard (RCPS) for New Orleans that will take us to net-zero carbon emissions by the year 2040 and effectively end the acquisition of new fossil fuel resources. By adopting this docket, New Orleans will become the first territory or state in the Gulf South to enact renewable or clean energy standards. The critical mandates in the legislation would also make the city a leader in climate policy nationwide. This plan meets its goal for rapid decarbonization by requiring Entergy New Orleans to annually remove carbon resources from its portfolio until it reaches net-zero by 2040.


The RCPS also prioritizes affordability to the ratepayer. Many people in our city struggle to make ends meet, therefore, we must ensure that a sustainable future doesn't lead to significant passed on costs. For that reason, the proposal allows for a combination of renewables and existing carbon-free energy resources. The RCPS caps costs to ratepayers at 1% per year.


I believe that this climate action plan is bold, obtainable, and most importantly swift. We simply can't wait any longer. Major weather events have already proven that our city is uniquely vulnerable and only getting more so in the future. With the Council's Renewable and Clean Portfolio Standard, we will move faster and more strongly than almost any community in the country. Our steep challenges as a city must be met with equal solutions. The RCPS gives our people the best hope for a sustainable tomorrow."


The Utilities Committee will meet tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall. To view the meeting agenda or tune in to live video coverage, visit

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