
May 18, 2018

Jason Rogers Williams

City Council President Jason Williams Outlines Action Plan to Investigate Entergy

City Council President Jason Williams Outlines Action Plan to Investigate Entergy

"It is vitally important that the Council aggressively investigate, determine and act upon the facts in this matter. This attempt to pervert the true purpose of public discourse will not be tolerated."

NEW ORLEANS - On Friday, May 18, 2018, City Council President Jason Williams outlined the City Council's action plan to investigate Entergy's use of paid actors during the decision making process for the New Orleans Power Station. The investigation has unanimous Council support.

The investigation into this issue began May 15 with a letter to Entergy CEO, Charles Rice, Jr., that notified the company of the Council's intentions to launch an independent investigation and directed Entergy to maintain and preserve all evidence related to the astroturfing allegations.

Moving forward, the City Council can conduct a public review and hearing, a third party investigation of the allegations and/or open a docket to vet findings. In addition, the public comment cards for City Council chambers are being updated to require a speaker to notify the Council if they are being compensated for their testimony.

Council President Williams says, "I know that I am speaking for my colleagues, both past, and current when I say that this kind of conduct is totally unacceptable and a perversion of the purpose of public comment. It is vitally important that the Council aggressively investigate, determine and act upon the facts in this matter. This attempt to pervert the true purpose of public discourse will not be tolerated. We will take steps to protect the integrity of our process and the people of New Orleans. I believe the best plan going forward is a hybrid approach of both public hearings and a third-party investigator."

To view the letter that was sent to Entergy CEO, Charles Rice, Jr., click here.



Katie Hunter-Lowrey
Director of Communications
Office of Council President Jason Williams

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