
September 19, 2019

Helena Moreno

Resolution Urges Assessor's Office to Provide Full Review of Industrial Tax Exemptions to Council

Resolution Urges Assessor's Office to Provide Full Review of Industrial Tax Exemptions to Council

NEW ORLEANS - Today, President Helena Moreno and the New Orleans City Council continued their work to account for the tax status of properties classified as exempt under the Industrial Tax Exemption Program (ITEP). Since last spring, Moreno and Together New Orleans have been unearthing information indicating that many properties currently considered "exempt" are in fact no longer exempt - in some cases going many years back. These exemptions excuse largely major corporations from paying millions in property taxes.

"Our city deserves greater oversight over industrial tax exemptions, especially at a time when our citizens are facing rocketing property tax assessments," said Council President Moreno. "In the spirit of accountability and fairness, I've authored Resolution R-19-363 urging the Assessor's Office to do an inventory of all tax incentive projects in Orleans Parish as well as to submit annual reports to the Council on these types of projects. Accountability ensures all taxpayers, including major corporations, are paying their fair share."

Just last week, the Lens reported the results of several months of work by Moreno's office and Together New Orleans highlighting $40m of property improperly classified as "exempt" through the ITEP program due to an expired contract dating from 2017. The Assessor finally agreed to place the properties back onto the rolls - making them taxable again - this past week. He also committed to a full-scale review of ITEP exemptions in Orleans Parish, something Council President Moreno had petitioned him to do over the summer.

R-19-363 urges the assessor to complete that full review, bring the results to the Council in the first quarter of 2020, and then conduct annual reviews to be presented at the Council on exemption statuses. The resolution passed unanimously, representing the Council's continued resolve to seek and deliver tax justice for all New Orleanians.




Media Contact:

Andrew Tuozzolo

Chief of Staff

Office of Councilmember-at-Large Helena Moreno 

(504) 281-9882

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