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Regular Meeting

July 21, 2016 

City Council Chamber

City Council July 21, 2016 Regular Meeting News Summary

NEW ORLEANS - At today's City Council meeting, the Council announced the extension of the Master Plan amendment deadline to August 31 and the opening of the Orleans Parish Assessor rolls. In other news, the Council presented a proclamation to the John McDonogh Senior High School Class of 1976 and passed two Restoration Tax Abatements.

Extension of Master Plan Amendment Deadline to August 31

The City Planning Commission (CPC) extended the Master Plan amendment deadline to Wednesday, August 31, 2016 to provide additional time, and an opportunity for citizens to review the Master Plan, ask questions, suggest changes and propose specific amendments.

In 2010, the Plan for the 21st Century, commonly referred to as The Master Plan, was unanimously adopted by both the CPC and the City Council and signed by Mayor Mitchell J. Landrieu.

There is no application fee to propose amendments to the Master Plan unless the application is to change the Future Land Use Map or the parts of Chapter 14 that describe the Future Land Use Map categories.

Orleans Parish Assessor Rolls Open Until August 15

The Orleans Parish Assessor Erroll Williams has announced an Open Rolls period for New Orleans residents to discuss their taxable assessment property values. The period will remain open until Monday, August 15, 2016.

Property owners may visit any of the Assessor's Office four locations at: City Hall, Algiers Courthouse, Lakeview Christian Center or Uptown River Garden to file an "Informal Appeal." All office locations will be open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Property owners may bypass this step and file a "Formal Appeal" with the Orleans Parish Board of Review by filing online at Online appeals will be accepted Monday, July 25, through Thursday, August 18.

All appeals will be transmitted to the New Orleans City Council, who serves as the Orleans Parish Board of Review. The Board of Review will hold appeal hearings during the first weeks of September. Appellants will be notified by letter and email of the place and time of their hearing.

John McDonogh Senior High School Class of 1976 Recognized by the City Council

Councilmembers Gray, Ramsey and Brossett Pictured with Members of the John McDonogh High School Class of 1976 

The City Council recognized John McDonogh High School's Class of 1976 in honor of their 40th Class Reunion. John McDonogh High School closed its doors following the 2013- 2014 school year. Although the fate of the school remains undecided, John McDonogh High School pride continues.

"The City Council recognizes all graduates of the John McDonogh Class of 1976," said  District "D"  Councilmember Jared C. Brossett. "Congratulations on your 40th anniversary and for keeping the Trojan tradition alive."

Motion to Authorize an Election to Continue the Sewerage and Water Board Millage

The Council adopted a motion to announce their intent to authorize the calling of an election to vote on the continuation of a Sewerage and Water Board millage. The millage is to be used solely to fund the operation, maintenance, construction and extension of the City's drainage system. The vote will tentatively take place on December 10, 2016.

The Council Passes Two Restoration Tax Abatement Resolutions

Today, the Council passed two Restoration Tax Abatement (RTA) resolutions and denied one. The RTA program, coupled with state and historic tax credits, are important incentives to renovate historic properties, which can be time-consuming and expensive.  The program freezes the tax rate, pays for itself over the next five years after the freeze and brings in increased revenue thereafter.
The RTA program has the additional benefit of encouraging the participation of disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE).  The RTA that was denied did not have any DBE participation, and the applicant could not show adequate good faith efforts.
"It was certainly a difficult decision because I understand that historic renovations can be very expensive," said District "C" Councilmember Nadine Ramsey. "This is a very important policy not only for me personally but for the entire city. Each of needs to do our part to be inclusive and break down historic barriers to participation."

Created on: 6/21/2018 11:30:14 AM | Last updated: 6/21/2018 11:30:14 AM

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