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Regular Meeting

February 23, 2017 

City Council Chamber

City Council Regular Meeting News Summary February 23, 2017

NEW ORLEANS - Today, the Council heard a presentation and issued a resolution recognizing February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, approved the creation of the Mid-City Local Historic District, and voted to establish an Institutional Master Plan for Conditional Development for Tulane University's Uptown Campus. 

The Council heard a presentation from unCOMMON Construction, a locally-based nonprofit that uses the building process to enhance learning and empower youth to become leaders in the workforce. Also, Councilmember Guidry issued a proclamation to Mr. Jeison Aristizabal of Colombia, for receiving the 2016 CNN Hero's Award.

Additionally, the Council deferred its vote on the rental registry program until March 9, while Councilmembers Cantrell and Williams continue to work on the legislation with their fellow Councilmembers and with New Orleans citizens to ensure the best ordinance going forward.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

As the first order of business, the Council heard a presentation and issued a resolution recognizing February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Christy Kane of Louisiana Appleseed, Jennifer Taylor-Collins of the New Orleans Family Justice Center, and Tarsha Magee of the Algiers Technology Academy, spoke to the Council on the severity of the issue and their efforts to raise awareness and promote programs that prevent abuse in teen and 20-something relationships.

Resolution No. R-17-96, by District "C" Councilmember Ramsey, encourages schools within the City of New Orleans to promote age-appropriate instruction to grades 7-12 about healthy relationships and conflict resolution, in an effort to prevent teen dating violence through education. 

According to the presentation, dating violence is much more common than many think. Approximately one in five female high school students report being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner, and through a survey of at least one Louisiana parish and 900 public school students, 93 percent of teens reported they think dating violence is a moderate to very severe problem.

In an effort to raise awareness for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM), the Council asks students, educators, and parents to follow @loveisrespect on Facebook and Twitter for information and updates. Thoughts and additional information on teen dating violence can be shared on social media through the use of hashtags #teenDVmonth and #loveisrespect.


Mid-City Historic District

The Council unanimously voted to create the Mid-City Local Historic District, as proposed by the Mid-City/Parkview Historic District Study Committee, which grants the Historic Districts Landmarks Commission (HDLC) jurisdiction over demolitions within the boundaries of the district.

The HDLC is the City's regulatory agency for local Historic District Landmarks Commissions outside of the Vieux Carre. Historic districts safeguard the heritage of the City by preserving and regulating historic landmarks and historic districts, which reflect elements of its cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history. In addition, they preserve and enhance the quality of neighborhoods, strengthening the City's economic base, stimulating the tourist industry improving property values, fostering economic development, and encouraging growth.

For more information on the Mid-City Historic District its boundaries, click here.

Master Plan Approved for Tulane University

The Council unanimously voted to approve the establishment of an Institutional Master Plan for Conditional Development for Tulane University's Uptown Campus. 

The Tulane University Master Plan provides a holistic and integrated assessment of the campus environment with the goal of coordinating the institutional mission with the physical development of the campus. Located at 6823 St. Charles Avenue, the campus is bounded by St. Charles Avenue, Loyola University New Orleans, Calhoun Street, South Claiborne Avenue, Audubon Boulevard, Willow Street, Broadway Street, Zimpel Street, Audubon Street, Freret Street and Audubon Place.

The Council heard public comment from Patrick Morton, COO of Tulane University, thanking Councilmember Guidry and her colleagues for their help in the process of developing this master plan, which took around a year to complete. 

"I want to thank the University for their work in the community, with my office, and the City on this plan," said District "A" Councilmember Guidry. "We look forward to seeing the university's continued growth in the future."

Presentation by unCOMMON Construction

As the second order of business today, the Council heard a presentation from Aaron Frumin, Founder and Executive Director of unCOMMON Construction (uCC). unCOMMON Construction is a New Orleans-based nonprofit organization, which uses the building process to enhance learning and empower local youth to become leaders in the workforce.

uCC equips youth with the awareness, exposure, skills, and experience to lead the workforce after high school or college through the following: Apprenticeships, pop-up shop class, and post-secondary placement and recruitment.

The program includes a diverse team, representing almost every neighborhood in the city, where youth earn weekly pay and high school credit while developing transferrable job skills and gaining valuable experience and leadership skills. The goal is to be able to provide graduating apprentices with scholarships to put toward further developing their skills in the workforce.

"Our build sites are strategically set up for maximum experience for these students," said Aaron Frumin. "When they leave to go home each day, they leave with an unparalleled sense of accomplishment and desire to learn more."

"I'm encouraged by the results you've produced already and excited about the infinite potential this organization holds," said Councilmember-At-Large Jason Williams. "This whole Council wants to recognize unCOMMON Construction, all the kids you've had so far, and all the kids you will have, to let you all know that we're 100 percent behind you and the work that you're doing."

Created on: 6/21/2018 11:28:45 AM | Last updated: 6/21/2018 11:28:45 AM

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