
Economic Development & Special Development Projects Committee

November 08, 2018 10:00 AM

City Council Chamber

1.  Presentation – Drive Shack New Orleans:

Drive Shack will develop the former Times-Picayune building on Howard Avenue into a  massive indoor golf complex. They will provide a current update regarding the project, and the structure of the City of New Orleans incentives.

  • Presenter – Miles L. Granderson, Esq., Sherman Strategies, LLC

2.  Presentation - Downtown Development District:

The DDD will provide information on their mission as the catalyst for a prosperous, simulating, and innovative heart of the Crescent City. They will also discuss its role in cultivating economic development in such industries as bioscience, the arts, digital media, and tourism, to ensure Downtown New Orleans is clean and safe, while also serving as the voice and advocate for Downtown’s future. Their goal is to promote Downtown as a world-class destination for residents and visitors.

  • Presenter - Kurt Weigle, President and CEO, DDD

3.  Other Matters

4.  Adjourn

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Created on: 11/6/2018 10:17:38 AM | Last updated: 12/27/2018 1:10:15 PM


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