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Regular Meeting

February 06, 2020 10:00 AM

City Council Chamber

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 NEW ORLEANS - At today's regular meeting, the Council authorized the expansion of an existing mobile home park in New Orleans East, approved an indoor amusement facility at the intersection of St. Joseph Street and St. Charles Ave, passed a zoning change to authorize an affordable housing development, approved amendments to both the Classified and Unclassified Pay Plan for City officers and employees, and amended the 2020 Operating Budget to include Homeland Security's adjusted FEMA budget.


Additionally, the Council welcomed local musicians, family and friends of renowned saxophonist Tim Green honoring his life and legacy in the City of New Orleans, Federal Reserve Bank and partners to discuss the Digital Divide and its impact on the local economy, workforce, and government, and District "E" Councilmember Cyndi Nguyen for a presentation celebrating the Vietnamese New Year, the year of the Rat.

Councilmembers with family and friends of legendary New Orleans saxophonist Tim Green

Council Approves an Industrial Tax Exemption for Iriapak

The Council approved two legislative groupings (ITE Appeal 4120 Poche Ct. West & ITE Appeal 4120 Poche Ct.) for an industrial tax exemption (ITE) which approved the terms of the ITE contract between the Board of Commerce and Industry and Iriapak USA LLC with respect to its manufacturing facility located at 4120 Poche Court West in New Orleans East.

The newly formed operating company was established to allow Iriapak s.r.l., an Italian company based in Vergiate, Italy, to establish operations in North America. Iriapak is a leading European producer of printed polyethylene foil used in the packaging of home paper products, such as tissues, paper towels and bathroom tissue.

Iriapak's planned investments will include a full renovation of the current 4120 Poche Ct. building, one printing line that will be delivered in early 2020 and a second line that will be delivered in late 2020 or early 2021. Each line can generate up to $10 million per year of turnover. Once the equipment is installed and production is ready to commence, 14 jobs are projected to be created in the first year and are projected to increase to 25 jobs once the second line is added.

 Council Authorizes Expansion of New Orleans East Mobile Home Park

The Council approved Zoning Docket 110/19, authorizing the restoration and expansion of an existing, non-conforming mobile home park located in New Orleans East along Chef Menteur Highway. The proposed expansion of Pelican Mobile Home Estates will be permitted in the S-RD Suburban Two-Family Residential District, provided that the expansion does not exceed 30% of the area currently occupied by mobile homes and is no expansion of lot area, subject to the following standards:

  1. The use has been maintained without interruption for two years or since the date the use became nonconforming (whichever is less) prior to the application for expansion;

  2. The use is designed, located, and operated so that the public health, safety, and welfare is protected;

  3. The use causes no substantial injury to other property in the neighborhood in which it is located;

  4. Adequate ingress and egress to the property and to the existing and proposed structures are provided with particular consideration for vehicular and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access for fire control vehicles;

  5. Off-street parking is able to adequately serve the use of the subject property, with particular attention to ingress and egress, the location and number of spaces; \

  6. The location of refuse and service areas are located to ensure safe site circulation and are properly screened;

  7. Adequate landscape, screening, and buffering is provided to minimize the impact of the use on adjacent properties and other properties in the general area;

  8. The heights of existing and proposed structures, including enlargements of existing structures and yard and open space, are compatible with properties in the general area;

  9. The general scale, arrangement, and design of existing and proposed structures, including building material and any exterior features, are compatible with adjacent or nearby land uses;

  10. When the proposed expansion is located in a historic district, the Historic District Landmarks Commission shall review and comment on the application; and

New Indoor Amusement Facility Coming to Downtown CBD Area

The Council voted to permit a new, indoor amusement facility and restaurant at the intersection of St. Joseph Street and St. Charles Avenue in the CBD. Zoning Docket 112/19 authorizes the construction of the 22,430 square foot facility featuring gaming spaces with darts, duckpin bowling, putt club area, karaoke booths, and more, on the ground floor, with adjacent bars and dining seating throughout, as well as an outdoor patio seating. 

The proposed hybrid facility will complement the existing mix or commercial and residential uses in the area, improve walkability and increase visitors on a relatively underutilized stretch of real estate. The new space will also help connect the active portion of the Central Business, Warehouse, and South Market Districts, by catering to both residents and visitors alike.

Photo of Punch Bowl's first outlet in Denver courtesy of Punch Bowl Social

Approved Affordable Housing Development to Replace Blighted Property on Chef Menteur Highway

The Council passed Zoning Docket 124/19, which authorizes an Affordable Housing Planned Development on an undesignated lot located at 13707-13733 Chef Menteur Highway. The approved complex will provide a significant public benefit for the Village de L'est neighborhood by replacing the existing blighted multi-family development with 150 new residential units, including 24 ADA-accessible. 

The proposed site plan includes two four-story buildings comprised of 24 one-bedroom units, 36 two-bedroom units, 42 three-bedroom units, and 48 four-bedroom units. Of those, 106 units will be available at or below 80% of the Area Medium Income Levels (AMI), 36 at or below 50% AMI, and eight at or below 30% AMI.

Classified Pay Plan Updated to Include New Positions

The Council passed the Motion M-20-40 to authorize amendments to the Classified Pay Plan (Council Utilities) approved by the Civil Service Commission, which includes CURO Energy Policy Analyst, CURO Regulatory Auditor and CURO Staff Attorney. These are new positions that will support the New Orleans City Council in a multitude of ways. 

These new classifications fulfill the Council Utilities Regulatory Office's objective of staffing internal subject matter experts. This will reduce the reliance on outside consultants that support the Council's role in oversight of Utility regulation. These positions will act as the Council Utilities Regulatory Office's financial, utility, and legal advisors relative to administering the regulation and control of public utilities, franchises and permits.


Created on: 1/7/2020 11:29:54 AM | Last updated: 4/23/2020 2:27:28 PM

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