
Budget/Audit/BoR Committee Meeting

October 06, 2020 1:00 PM

City Council Chamber

1.  Roll Call

2.  Approval of minutes from September 1, 2020 meeting

3.  Motion No. - M-20-342  Amendments to the Classified Pay Plan - Sewerage and Water Board:

a).  Pilot Special Rate of Pay – Meter Reading Incentive Pay Program

b).  New Classification – Water Meter Reading Field Services Supervisor (Non-Exempt)

*Per September 25, 2020 letter from Lisa M. Hudson, Personnel Director

4.  Resolution No. - R-20-343 (Will be introduced on 10/06/20) by Councilmember Giarrusso (By Request)

This Resolution approves the Fifth Supplemental Sewerage Service Revenue Bond Resolution in connection with the issuance of not exceeding Sixty-Four Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($64,750,000) of Sewerage Service Revenue Bonds of the City of New Orleans, Louisiana; approving the form, terms, security, and manner of the execution.

5.  Ordinance Cal. No. 33,119, 33,120 (Introduced 9/17/20) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)

These ordinances amend the 2020 Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures, appropriating $3,750,000 of Federal Department of Justice Grant Funds from Intergovernmental Transfers to the Department of Police (personal services - $3,750,000) to provide funding to hire and/or rehire career law enforcement officers in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. The grant award is an increasing match with a 25% match in year 1, 50% match in year 2, 75% match in year 3 and then the City is required to fund them fully for a 12-month period after the grant ends.

6.  Ordinance Cal. No. – 33,132 (Introduced 10/01/20) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)

This ordinance amends the 2020 Operating Budget of Expenditures, transferring $700,000 in General Funds from the Office of Community Development (personal services code - 100) to the Office of Information, Technology, and Innovation (ITI) (other operating code – 200) to supplement ITI’s budget to account for unplanned expenses incurred in response to the cyberattack. This additional funding will be used to pay for planned budgeted expenses related to software licensing and telecommunications products and services as originally intended.

7.  Ordinance Cal. No. – 33,133, 33,134 (Introduced 10/01/20) by Councilmember (By Request) 

These ordinances amend the 2020 Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures, appropriating $20,000 of Cities for Financial Empowerment Foundation Grant Funds from Intergovernmental Transfers to the Office of Performance and Accountability (OPA) personal services - $20,000) to provide funding for the city of New Orleans to participate in their City Start initiative and receive a $20,000 grant and technical assistance to convene stakeholders to develop a financial empowerment blueprint. Funds will also be used to cover the cost of city personnel time spent developing the blueprint.

8.  Ordinance Cal. No. – 33,135, 33,136 (Introduced 10/01/20) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)

These ordinances amend the 2020 Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures, appropriating $5,302,696 FEMA Grant funds from Intergovernmental Transfers to the Fire Department ($5,302,696 – personal services) for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Responses (SAFER) Grant Program. This $5.3 million in provides funding for the first year of a 3-year grant totaling $15,908,086. Funds will be used to assist in increasing the number of firefighters to help communities meet industry standards and attain 24-hour staffing to provide adequate protection from fire and fire-related hazards. These funds will also be used to hire at least 25 additional firefighters during 2020.

9.  Ordinance Cal. No. – 33,137, 33,138 (Introduced 10/01/20) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)

These ordinances amend the 2020 Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures, appropriating $356,051 FEMA Grant funds from Intergovernmental Transfers to the Fire Department ($356,051 – Other Operating) for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) to protect the health and safety of the public and firefighting personnel against fire and fire-related hazards.  The funds will be used to purchase 582 personal rescue bailout kits.  As a condition of the grant, the city is required to contribute non-federal funds equal to or greater than 10% of the award, i.e. $35,605.

10.  Ordinance Cal. No. – 33,139, 33,140 (Introduced 10/01/20) by Councilmember Brossett (By Request)

These ordinances amend the 2020 Operating Budget of Revenues and Expenditures, appropriating $73,818 FEMA Grant funds from Intergovernmental Transfers to the Fire Department ($73,818 – Other Operating) for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) for the purchase of PPE and related supplies including reimbursements to prevent, prepare for and respond to the coronavirus. The funds will be used to purchase 1700 cartridge filters and 580 full face respirator twin port adapters.  As a condition of the grant, the city is required to contribute non-federal funds equal to or greater than 10% of the award, i.e. $7,381.

11.  Budget Reports – CAO/Finance:

a).  Personnel Spending Forecast

b).  Revenue Collections Report

c).  Operating Expenses – Available Balances by Department

12.  Adjourn

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Created on: 10/24/2019 11:47:39 AM | Last updated: 10/7/2020 11:35:14 AM


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