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Criminal Justice Committee Meeting

July 27, 2022 10:00 AM

City Council Chamber

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of minutes from June 15, 2022 

3. Assessment of Longer Police Response Times. Jeff Asher, AH Datalytics to present

4. Discussion of a Public Health Approach to Policing. Representatives from Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)|New Orleans to present

5. Presentation of Sexual Violence Response Advisory Committee 2022 Report. Representatives from Health Department to present

6. Consideration of Resolution Directing Civil Service Commission to Conduct a Job Study to Create New Civilian Positions within the Police Department

7. Adjournment

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Created on: 1/25/2022 12:34:08 PM | Last updated: 7/26/2022 9:19:38 AM

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