Criminal Justice
March 07, 2023 10:00 AM
City Council Chamber
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of the minutes of the February 7, 2023 meeting
3. Motion M-23-I – By Councilmember Thomas (By Request) – To Present: Courtney Story, CAO's office - For Discussion and Vote: Motion to approve a proposed Amendment No. 2 of a professional services agreement between the City of New Orleans and American Traffic Solutions, Inc. to assist the New Orleans Police Department by providing traffic safety program management services to the City, for a nineteen (19) months period, with a total compensation amount not to exceed $11,300,000.00.
4. Cal No.: 34,062 - By Councilmember Thomas (By Request) – To Present: A Representative of the New Orleans Health Department- For Discussion and Vote: An Ordinance to amend and reordain Section 54-28 and Section 54-338 of the Code of the City of New Orleans, to allow for custodial arrest for adults for the careless storage of a firearm that results in a minor either causing, or attempting to cause, the injury or death of themselves or any other person, or causes the firearm to fire; and provides for a penalty for any person who fails to secure a firearm that a minor obtains, which results in a minor either causing, or attempting to cause, the injury or death of themselves or any other person or causes the firearm to fire.
5. Adjournment
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