Criminal Justice Committee
April 29, 2024 10:00 AM
City Council Chamber
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of minutes from the March 25, 2024 meeting
3. Motion No. M-24-132 By: Councilmembers Thomas and Harris (By Request) – Authorizing the Council President to sign a contract among the City, the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office, and Wexford Health Sources, Inc. to provide comprehensive medical and mental health care to residents of the Orleans Parish Justice Center.
4. Motion No. M-24-143 By: Councilmember Thomas (By Request) – Authorizing the Council President to sign a contract between the City and Ubuntu Village Nola to create a community violence prevention and intervention program as a subrecipient to the Department of Justice grant funds.
5. Motion No. M-24-151 By: Councilmembers Thomas and King (By Request) – Authorizing the Council President to sign a contract between the City and Rice Group LLC; and authorizing the President of the Council to sign the professional services agreement between the City of New Orleans and Rice Group LLC for legal services
6. Motion No. M-24-161 By: Councilmember Thomas (By Request) – Authorizing the Council President to sign a contract between the City and Quartech Corrections LLC for Early Warning Software used by the police department.
7. Motion No. M-24-163 By: Councilmember Thomas (By Request) – Authorizing the Council President to sign a contract between the City and SR Williams Consulting, LLC for general legal services for the Office of Independent Police Monitor.
8. Motion No. M-24-192 By: Councilmember Thomas (By Request) – Authorizing the Council President to sign a contract between the City and Crouch Law, LLC for monitoring and reviewing misconduct and use of force investigations, or conducting investigations on behalf of the Office of Independent Police Monitor.
9. Motion No. M-24-197 By: Councilmember Thomas (By Request) – Authorizing the Council President to sign a contract between the City and the Baptist Community Ministries for chaplain services for the police department.
10. Discussion regarding trauma-informed mental health services provided to youth and how mental health impacts crime. Presenter: Jonas Chartock – CEO, Children’s Bureau
11. Discussion regarding the importance of outreach and the impact it has on Community Violence Intervention (CVI), School-Wide Base Intervention as a social determinant to the school to prison pipeline, and the success of CVI inside of JJIC. Presenters: Calvin Pep and Hakim Kashif - Founders, The Overcomers Community Academy
12. Discussion regarding the New Orleans Recovery Collective’s conflict resolution, mental health, and substance abuse awareness efforts. Presenters: Rev. Dr. Harold Gordon and Calvin Pep – President and Vice President, New Orleans Recovery Collective
13. Adjournment
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