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Criminal Justice Committee

September 30, 2024 10:00 AM

City Council Chamber

1. Roll Call
2. Approval of minutes from the August 26, 2024 meeting.
3. Health Department Presentation – Update on its Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Program, including its most recent Domestic Abuse Fatality Review Report and expanded Advocate Initiated Response (AIR) Program.
4. Contracts for Recommendation of Approval and Execution per Council Rule 57 – For Discussion and Vote
a. Subrecipient agreement between the City and Silence is Violence for $112,500 in ARPA funds to implement the Victim Allies Expansion Project, providing trauma-informed therapy and community-based case management services to survivors and witnesses of homicide for term of 28 months.
b. Amendment No. 11 to Professional Services Agreement between the City and Quartech Corrections LLC for early warning system software, data warehouse and associated services for the Police Department.  The amendment extends the agreement on a month-to-month basis at a rate of $5,400 per month, and increases the maximum amount payable to $6,217,650.
c. Subrecipient agreement between the City and New Orleans Family Justice Alliance for $112,500 in ARPA funds to implement the Medical Advocacy Expansion Program providing medical advocacy services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking for a term of 28 months.
d. Subrecipient Agreement between the City and the University of Arizona for a grant from the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research. The City will receive $20,907 for its Health Department to coordinate research and conduct qualitative interviews with stakeholders, for a term of 19 months ending February 2026.
5. MOTION (LYING OVER) - NO. M-24-298 - BY: COUNCILMEMBER THOMAS (BY REQUEST) Brief: Adding the President of the Council as a signatory to Amendment No. 4 to the professional services agreement between the City of New Orleans and Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, LLC; and authorizing the President of the Council to sign Amendment No. 4 to the professional services agreement between the City of New Orleans and Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, LLC (Exhibit “A”).
6. Adjourn

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Created on: 12/5/2023 9:55:31 AM | Last updated: 9/26/2024 4:22:21 PM

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