
April 15, 2020

Helena Moreno

Council President Helena Moreno Announces Voter Access Expansion as State Signals No Help on the Way

Council President Helena Moreno Announces Voter Access Expansion as State Signals No Help on the Way
NEW ORLEANS - This morning, the Louisiana State Legislature signaled that it was unlikely any action would be taken to expand and secure greater access to voting, either in the July primary or potentially moving forward. 

In response, New Orleans City Council President Helena Moreno announced that she would file a motion in the next Regular Council meeting (M-20-95) to designate the November Presidential and municipal election an official City holiday. 

April 10, 2020

Helena Moreno

Council President Helena Moreno Announces Virtual Regular Council Meeting to be held Wednesday, April 15

Council President Helena Moreno Announces Virtual Regular Council Meeting to be held Wednesday, April 15

NEW ORLEANS - Today, Council President Moreno announced that the next scheduled regular Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 15, through video teleconference. The New Orleans City Council had suspended all meetings scheduled to occur since March 13, 2020.

April 2, 2020

Helena Moreno

Council President Helena Moreno Leads Coalition of Stakeholders In Pushing for Utility Bill Assistance

Council President Helena Moreno Leads Coalition of Stakeholders In Pushing for Utility Bill Assistance

NEW ORLEANS - Today, New Orleans City Council President Helena Moreno released a letter addressed to Federal leaders, including Speaker Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, advocating for a significant increase in Low Income Home Energy Program (LIHEAP) funds to help New Orleanians pay their utility bills through the difficult coming months.

March 31, 2020

Helena Moreno

City Council Provides Update for Renters and Homeowners on Eviction and Foreclosure Status

City Council Provides Update for Renters and Homeowners on Eviction and Foreclosure Status

NEW ORLEANS - Today, Council President Helena Moreno released a fact sheet for renters and homeowners regarding the current state of evictions and Foreclosure Suspensions in New Orleans. 

March 30, 2020

Helena Moreno

City Council Suspends This Week's Full Council Meeting

City Council Suspends This Week's Full Council Meeting

NEW ORLEANS - During the ongoing public health crisis due to COVID-19, the City Council continues to prioritize the health and safety of the public and its employees. Councilmembers are taking the precautions conveyed by health professionals very seriously and, in light of those facts, will suspend this week's' full Council meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 2.


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Jared C. Brossett
Jason Rogers Williams
Kristin Gisleson Palmer
Cyndi Nguyen
Helena Moreno
Jay H. Banks
Joseph I. Giarrusso
Jean Paul "JP" Morrell
Lesli Harris
Freddie King III
Eugene J. Green
Oliver Thomas
Donna Glapion
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