
June 6, 2020

Jason Rogers Williams, Helena Moreno

Community Petition to Rename Jefferson Davis Parkway Surpasses 10,000 Signatures

Seal of the City of New Orleans


NEW ORLEANS The original petition, begun by Mark Raymond of the A.P. Tureaud Sr. Legacy Committee, requesting that Jefferson Davis Parkway to be renamed Norman C. Francis Parkway has surpassed 10,000 community signatures in just four days. 


June 5, 2020

Jason Rogers Williams, Helena Moreno

Five New Orleans Mayors Write Powerful Op-Ed in Support of Renaming Jefferson Davis Parkway

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - Today, five New Orleans Mayors - LaToya Cantrell, Mitch Landrieu, Marc Morial, Sidney Barthelemy and Moon Landrieu - published a powerful op-ed supporting the initiative by Councilmembers Helena Moreno and Jason Williams to rename the current Jefferson Davis Parkway for Dr. Norman C. Francis. 

They write, in part:

June 4, 2020

Jason Rogers Williams, Helena Moreno

Councilmembers Moreno and Williams Announce Beginning of Renaming Process for Jefferson Davis Parkway

Seal of the City of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS - Today, Councilmembers Moreno and Williams announced they would jointly author a motion to begin the process of renaming Jefferson Davis Parkway at the June 18th City Council Meeting. Jefferson Davis Parkway, a main artery that travels across several core New Orleans neighborhoods, is named after the former President of the Confederate States of America.

June 3, 2020

Helena Moreno

City Council to Approve Landmark $22M in Direct Bill Assistance for Unemployed Entergy Customers

City Council to Approve Landmark $22M in Direct Bill Assistance for Unemployed Entergy Customers

NEW ORLEANS - The New Orleans City Council is poised to approve the creation of a $22M direct bill assistance program for unemployed Entergy customers. The fund represents the largest single local source of direct assistance available to New Orleanians. 

May 30, 2020

Helena Moreno

Due to Massive Response for 10K Mask Giveaway, Council Vice President Helena Moreno Announces Plans for Another Currently Underway

Due to Massive Response for 10K Mask Giveaway, Council Vice President Helena Moreno Announces Plans for Another Currently Underway

NEW ORLEANS - City Council Vice President Helena Moreno and a team of 100 volunteers handed out 10,000 masks at locations all around the city. The demand was so high that in several locations, people began lining up two hours early. Unfortunately, due to the large number of people seeking masks, some locations ran out within the first hour.


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