
April 14, 2023

Lesli Harris

Councilmember Lesli Harris and Loyola University Launch Young Women’s Leadership Academy

Councilmember Lesli Harris and Loyola University Launch Young Women’s Leadership Academy

NEW ORLEANS - District “B” Councilmember Lesli Harris and the Loyola University of New Orleans are launching their Young Women’s Leadership Academy (YWLA), with the first one-day workshop set for Monday, May 22. Young women ages 18 to 24 are encouraged to apply here before the April 30 deadline.


YWLA, modeled on Loyola University’s successful Women’s Leadership Academy (WLA), is an opportunity for young women from diverse backgrounds to develop, connect, and grow as leaders. The 25 YWLA participants selected for the inaugural class will spend a full day discussing the Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), hearing from Cm. Harris and other featured speakers, and networking with local women leaders. After completion of the workshop, participants will gain access to an active network of other WLA alumnae and special invitations to future events.


Councilmember Lesli Harris said, “Since taking office, it’s been my goal to establish this program for young women, in partnership with Loyola University. The existing WLA has cultivated leadership skills in so many women who will contribute to the New Orleans area for years to come. I’m delighted to bring that same opportunity, not only to the young women who live here, but also to our City.”


Young women from diverse racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, educational, and professional backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Due to a generous grant from Cox Communications and Councilmember Harris, selected applicants will only be charged a small fee ($35) to reserve their spot in YWLA. A limited number of fee waivers may be available for those unable to pay.


More information about the YWLA, including a link to the application, is available here and at the following QR code: 




Media Contact:

Alison Poort

Chief of Staff

Councilmember Lesli Harris, District 'B'


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