
April 8, 2024

Jean Paul "JP" Morrell

Council Vice President JP Morrell Issues Statement on City Park Conservancy’s Plan to Displace Grow Dat Youth Program

Council Vice President JP Morrell Issues Statement on City Park Conservancy’s Plan to Displace Grow Dat Youth Program

NEW ORLEANS - Councilmember At-Large JP Morrell has issued the following statement about the potential displacement of Grow Dat Youth Program:


“I am completely against the plan from City Park Conservancy that would displace the popular Grow Dat Youth Program. Grow Dat is a community program that brings together youth from different backgrounds across the city for one mission - to nurture these future leaders through the meaningful work of growing food. It is beyond me why a non-profit such as the City Park Conservancy who claims to prioritize conservancy measures would plan to construct a road that would decimate this popular and sustainable youth program. Moreover, a conservancy should be aware it takes years to cultivate soil for farming, and that a relocation will destroy years of work and would reset all the effort made by this organization and the hundreds of kids who have worked there. This past year, I designated Grow Dat as a grant recipient from the inaugural City Council Recreation & Culture Fund because they are not only teaching young adults skills that they will carry for a lifetime, but also providing a safe space for every child that enters the farm. The perfect example of this would be  Belle Adelman-Cannon, a 17-year-old non-binary Ben Franklin student and member of the program who tragically lost their life after being hit by a bus. I awarded those funds in honor of Belle, and I refuse to allow them to be gifted in vain. I am calling on the City Park Conservancy to reconfigure their plans so that this critical community resource can continue its mission for generations of children to come.”





Media Contact:

Monet Brignac

Office of Councilmember At-Large JP Morrell


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