Jared C. Brossett
During today's City Council meeting, the CAO presented a plan to ensure all City workers receive a livable wage, showing several funding options to make it happen.
NEW ORLEANS - In July of this year, District "D" Councilmember Jared C. Brossett introduced Ordinance 33,388, which directed the City to lay out a plan to raise the wages of City workers to at least $15 per hour as quickly as possible. Today, the CAO presented a variety of options to raise the hourly wage of all City employees, including members of the NOFD, some of whom are paid less than $12 per hour.

“I’m proud to stand with our City workers, especially our firefighters, to ensure that everyone who works for our great city makes a livable wage,” said Councilmember Brossett. “I have always stood with the NOFD, and when it comes to raising wages, they are incredibly deserving of an increase. They put their lives on the line for us, and we should show our appreciation for them by paying them well.”
In 2015, Councilmember Brossett authored Louisiana's first Living Wage Ordinance. In 2021, he ensured it was amended for the third time to raise wages again, this time to $15 per hour. The amendment raised wages for all City contract workers, but today was the first step toward raising wages for City workers, like firefighters. Coucilmember Brossett is committed to playing a role in positively impacting the quality of life of all City workers and their families.

Media Contact:
Elizabeth Holman
Public Policy Analyst
Councilmember Jared C. Brossett, Chair of Budget/Audit/BoR Committee